Prologue ~~

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"I, Kayden Williams, First Advisor of Her Royal Highness Ellyssa Emily Sophia Atramentum, have called this gathering, because I have something to share with you," those words were the signs of the beginning of my end of  my ruler ship as queen of the AK, but I didn't know that yet. The Atramentum Kingdom; my pride, my home.
I looked at my best friend and main advisor in disbelieve. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I let him go on with his speech nonetheless.

"You all know about the fact that our beloved queen here has ruled this kingdom for almost two years. At the age of sixteen she accepted the title as queen, together with all the responsibilities that comes with her ruler ship. Just like written in the law. And Her Royal Highness is doing great, till now. But," Kayden glanced my way, his face unreadable, to my surprise.

"But another law was broken at the same time. This law says, and I recite, 'This kingdom shall be ruled by a king. A queen however, shall not unless she has a mate to rule next to her'.  But as you all know, our queen is mate-less. Or so you know. And that's why I reject her as my qu-" It was like a punch in my stomach. I stood up from my big, comfortable chair, too abruptly, almost knocking it backwards. The silence in the room was interrupted by low murmurs made by the people who were shocked.

"NO! I demand silence!" I almost shouted, slamming my hand on the dark wooden table. An immense silence followed right after. I was shaking with anger, but I had to maintain my patience, for the sake of my rulership. How could he? My best friend? I knew he didn't like the idea of me ruling a kingdom, but trying to take my power from me by bringing up a touchy subject for me, that was low.
"This is ridiculous," I stated, shooting daggers at Kayden. "This is unfairness at its finest!"

"But, my queen," Kayden said with a hint of irony in his voice, "how is this not fair?"

"I am convinced, certain even, that this is not fair, because the law says that a king may rule this kingdom, but a queen without a mate cannot. It's the 21st century, for goddess' sake! We are not living in the time when that law was made. Women nowadays have the same rights as men!" I said, becoming more distressed by the minute. But as I looked at the faces around the rectangular table, I saw that they agreed, which calmed me a slightest bit.

"Laws are laws, nonetheless!" Kayden argued. At that a lot more nodded their head, and mumbled their appreciations.

"If you would treat all laws like they don't apply to time, there wouldn't be anything left of this kingdom. Traditions matter!"
At that I had nothing to say.

"But," I tried to search for words to convince the people at the table, but words failed me miserably. But Kayden didn't let me anyways.

"You are talking about me not being fair, but I tell you that you are the one who is not fair!"

Instantly it seemed like the room was holding her breath. I gasped, too,

"What? Why?" My voice became high-pitched, to my annoyance. I've ruled the kingdom with a steady hand and never made a single mistake.

"Why, you ask? Because you, Ellyssa, are greedy and corrupt! I can't take this anymore. I thought you loved me. But all those times, all you wanted was power, power and more power," Kayden spit. I blinked in confusion. Yes, I love him, or loved, but just as friends? We grew up together and were basically siblings.

"E-excuse me?" What was he talking about?

"Yes, you heard me. Ladies and gentlemen, hereby I officially announce you, I am the mate of Ellyssa Emily Sophia Atramentum." Deadly silence followed.
In that instance I knew I had lost and that was when I lost all my respect for my former best friend slash advisor. What are they going to say about it? This is a scandal, a huge one. Kayden was an experienced speaker and he had put enough emotion in his voice to have convinced even me, if did I not know the truth. As if on cue, The room erupted in loud noise, full of shock, accusations, and whatnot. In my panic I tried to find my parents, and after a while I caught their eyes.  I wanted to ask them for help, but they just shook their heads and looked away. They were disappointed, flashed through my mind.

I couldn't take it anymore, and almost ran to the door, holding up my long gauzy dress. When I reached the door, I turned around, with my head held high. I eyed the people in the room with what I hoped, was an icy glare. The noise drew back until it was a low murmur.

"That man there," I pointed my finger at Kayden accusingly, "is not my mate. He is not, and he shall never will be. I will find my mate and return with my true mate. I will prove you all, but mainly him, wrong. I bid you all goodbye, this gathering is dismissed."

And with that I turned around, and ran to my room.  There, I packed a few of my belongings as fast as I could, with tears in my eyes. Then I remembered who I was; a queen! A queen doesn't pack her things, she leaves with grace and her head held high. So I sat down on my soft, white bed, and took a deep breath. Then I decided what to do.

I decided to run.

I decided to build up a new life, in hope to find my mate.

And I will find him;  how hard could it be?

Oh, what was I wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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