Chapter One

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Killer's point of View.

A small figure, slowly lurked through the small apartment. Slowly, inching its way careful not to disturb whoever may inhabit the tiny one bedroom loft. The body crept its way into the small bedroom, almost on their knees inching closer and closer to the bed. Slowly the figure stood up to look down at the bed. A woman, average build, long silk blond hair, milky skin. Not a single imperfection. The creature slowly removed a long silk scarf from behind their back, the figure gently kneeled down beside the woman. Quickly, without any sudden hesitation the creature had twisted the scarf tightly around the woman's throat. Violently, the woman awoke from her slumber, coughing and gagging. Ripping at the scarf trying to set herself free of the crazed lunatic. The woman tried to scream and plea with the creature, this only upset them. Suddenly, they yanked the woman abruptly from the bed, pulling tighter on the scarf to restrict her breathing even further. The dark figure moved closer to the woman, a soft grin upon their face as they hissed, "Only a dirty slut like yourself would plea for such a disgusting life. Aren't I doing you a favor? Removing you of this earth's terror?" The woman shook with such fear, attempting to scream with all her might, yet only being able to let out small whimpers. She violently shook her head, in protest of removal. Still grinning the creature twisted the scarf once again. Almost immediately, the shaking and squealing stopped. The woman's eyes rolling to the back of her head slowly. The lunatic ripped the scarf of the woman's neck and pushed it down into the killer's pockets. Slowly, it stood up to stare down at the woman. Her neck which was once perfect now had deep red and blue bruises from the strangulation. The creature, suddenly was startled as they heard a knock at the dead woman's door. Quickly, to exit the apartment the figure ran, knocking down a small vase filled with white roses. Looking back and whispering under their breath. "Shit." No time for cleaning up, the creature quickly climbed out of the window that they had used to break in. Loudly, a voice shouted as they heard the commotion. "Aria?!" A woman's voice screamed. "Is everything alright dear? I heard noises. Please open the door or I'll have to open it myself!" The woman croaked, coughing after. A smoker the killer thought to themselves, as they jumped from the window. Running off into the pitch black dead of night.

Managers point of view:

With the keys in hand, the woman unlocked the door gently. Mumbling to herself about letting so many young hoodlums rent her apartments. The woman was short, about 5'1, overweight, and had many bags under her eyes and sagging skin. As she unlocked the door she peeked into the apartment. Clean, nothing seeming to be out of place, yet. The woman walked in and slammed the door behind her. Angered about being woken up in the dead of night. As the woman walked about the apartment, still mumbling to herself. She came across the vase, water and flowers flailed across the floor, where the vase had meant its untimely demise. The manager, glared down at the flowers and then looked back around the room. Squinting as none of the lights had ever been turned on that night. The woman made her way to the bedroom, blankets sprawled across the room. Glaring, again. Suddenly the manager noticed the woman, dead on the bed. Quickly, the woman smacked her hand quickly to the woman's body, checking her pulse. "Aria?!" The woman screamed as she shook her lifeless body. The manager gently laid Aria's body down and quickly pulled out her cell phone. An old dinosaur phone compared to most, the woman's chubby fingers smacked the buttons to dial the police. "Ringg, Ringgg." The woman sighed as she awaited her call to be answered. "Hello?" A man's voice suddenly spoke from the phone. "Please! Send help, I have a dead woman in my apartment building. I think shes been murdered!" The woman screamed into the phone. "If you could please calm down and tell me what happen mam" The officer seemed calm, as he had dealt with these types of calls a million times. "I was rudely awoken to noises, so I came to check on the girl. I found her dead! Officer you have to send someone! FAST!" The woman screamed and pleaded into the phone. The conversation continued for a few more minutes. As the officer asked the normal questions, as any officer would do in the situation. The woman gave her name, number and address before quickly hanging up the phone and moving to the tiny apartment living room. The woman, now known as Diane plopped herself onto the dead woman's couch, as she waited for the police to arrive.

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