cuddling with michael blurb

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okAY SO miCHAEL onfnggkk ok so when you and him are in public or the boys are around or some shit he'll just casually have his arm draped over you and he would just seem like this tough punk rock (even tho he's not punk rock and is a kitten lbr) When its just u two alone you would just be sitting on the couch or laying in bed idfk he'd just walk over to u and just kinda floP DOWN AND LIKE holD ON TO u really tightly like he'D CLING On to you like a fuCking koala andd would burry his face into yoUR NECK AND INAGIBE IF HE WAS WEARING AN OVER SIZED SWEATER OR SOME SHIT AND IS JUST RLY CUDDLY OK BRU MIKEY WOULD JUST CUDDLE THE LivinG SHIT OUT OF U BYE

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