Chapter 1

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A/N Hey guys i know this story was 4 chapters in but i stopped writing it for months because i wasn't as passionate about it anymore and i feel like its the lack of my writing so i thought of rewriting the chapters and republishing. i hope my writing has improved after months and i already have thoughts of the ending and i hope you guys will stick with me to the end. Anyways guys i hope you like it.

The alarm clock rang, waking up none only but Dave Farrell. He reluctantly got up and headed into the bathroom to take a quick shower. He changed and spiked up his hair, and walked downstairs to the kitchen where his mom was cooking.

"Hey honey I made you some eggs" she smiled at him.

"Aw mom you didn't have to, I kind of need to get going i'm already late " The ginger tells her.

"David just finish that plate then you can go"

"fine" he defeatedly said and sat down at the table. Once he finishes his plate he takes it to the sink, kisses his mom goodbye. grabbed his books and practically ran the 37 minutes to school.

Inside the school Mike sat bored in the conference for the candidates for school president. Mike was joined with the principal and 4 other students one of them being Chester Bennington, the popular student at Lakeview high.

Mike and Chester always had a type of vendetta ever since Mikes brother Jason began hanging out with Chester. At that time Mike was dating Julie a beautiful girl Chester had his eyes on. Chester being Chester used Jason to sabotage Mikes relationship and ultimately Julie left Mike for Chester. Since then Mike and Chester secretly competed in everything they could. That's why winning School President was huge for Mike this was his final chance to rub it in Chester's face. Because who ever is president practically gets the maximum popularity which means winning prom king. So Mike was determined to win.

Chester was pretty high up on the list of popularity so it was an easy win for him but Mike isn't too far down the list from Chester. Mikes family is pretty wealthy and his big brother did in fact leave his footstep so he can walk on and not to mention he was hot, meaning he could have a chance to win if he could whoo a couple more people.

"Mike!" The principal says making Mike shoot up from his thoughts and making Chester snicker.

"Yes principal McLaughlin?" The Japanese boy asked.

"I just wanted to know if you have your campaign done yet."

"Oh well not just yet sir it should be done before Friday" Mike tells him

"well done I'll see you all individually to go over your campaigns on Friday make sure you bring your rough draft plans, now everyone get to class" the principle said practically pushing everyone out of the teacher's lounge.

Mike rolled his eyes and strolled to his 1st period class which was U.S History aka the most boring subject ever. He quickly took a seat next to his best friend Joe or Joseph Hahn.

"So how did it go?" Joe whispers

"eh... Rather boring" Mike tells him as he leans back on the chair.

"Well at least you skipped a bit of Mr. Reyes and his lectures" Joe chuckled as Mike laughed along.

The door opens and in comes a very late Dave who quickly takes a seat next to his best friend Rob.

"You know I heard he and Brad broke up" Joe whispered as Mike rolled his eyes at his best friend

"And I care why?" Mike asked

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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