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I was walking with my three best friends, Bennett, Declan, and Jordan, also known as the Three Musketeers, towards our secret hiding place, or as they called it, The Base. It was located in the ghettos of New York. As we reached the alley way towards The Base, we made sure that no one was following us; we wouldn't want anyone to find out about our little secret. We reached the door in the alley way and pressed in the code to deactivate the traps and let us in. As we were about to walk in, we noticed Jordan running towards us. When he got there, he was out of breath.

"One of these days, I'm going to change the code and leave you guys out. Maybe that will teach you to stop ditching me." A raspy breathless Jordan said.

"Well if you didn't have the attention span of a goldfish and get easily distracted with everything you see we wouldn't be ditching you." Declan replied.

All he got was a cold glare from Jordan.

These two bicker like a married couple. If it wasn't for their "bromance" I would think they really were married.

"Let's just go inside." Bennett said to try and clear the tension.

We all walked inside "the base" which really was just a remodeled abandoned warehouse that they guys found a long time ago before I become their friend.

Back before the time I was, and still am bullied.

We all went inside and spread out around the "base". Bennett went into the kitchen to cook, Declan went to the couch to play video games, and Jordan went upstairs to use his computer for god knows what.

Since Bennett was extremely wealthy, we had enough money to decorate the place and to even decorate our spare rooms on the second floor. We all had our own little rooms in this warehouse. Although my room here was a lot bigger than my room back at home.

I went upstairs and went into my "room". I began planning my idea out. I couldn't mess this up.

An hour later I walked back downstairs to find the boys bickering amongst themselves.

"You don't do that." Bennett said in disbelief.

"What's wrong with you!" Declan exclaimed.

"Leave me and my ice cream alone you a**holes."

The last one coming from Jordan.

"What's going on?" I questioned.

"Well you see sweet Naomi, these two of my 'lovely friends' are threatening to kill me." Jordan answered.

"You're the idiot who-"

"Inconsiderate jer-"

As I was watching them bicker I made the connections; yelling, hot headed guys, icecream.

"Jordan didn't get your favorite ice cream flavors did he." I stated.

All three instantly stopped bickering and looked at me.

"How'd you know?"

"What the-"

"She's a witch! I knew it!"

Guess who said the last one?

"I mean it's pretty obvious. Jordan's holding the tub of vanilla ice cream like it's his new born baby and you guys are literally giving death stares at the tub." I stated my observations.

All three stared dumbfounded at me until they regained their composure and went back to what they were doing a hour ago.

Okay then.

I'm going to miss this.

As I looked around I still couldn't believe how I became friends with them.

The Alternate Ending; The Good Girl's Bad Boys: The Good The Bad And The BulliedWhere stories live. Discover now