Chapter 14

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_Louis POV_

She sat up straight and darted her eyes to me once I spit those words out.

"Are..... Are you.. Are you joking, Lou ?" She tried speaking.

"No, I'm serious. I want to have a baby with you." I smiled moving in closer.

"Baby, i'm-are-you're- Louiissss.!!" She checked out.. She's about to cry. I know because before she cries, she has a lighter tone of colour in her eyes.

I took her in for a hug. She smelled good.

"So. We should head back to London. I mean, we got to tell the guys. And they really miss you." I said, clenching my jaw thinking of Harry.

"Oh you're right.. But we need to get tickets and stuff and I need to pack my st-"

"I'll do it don't worry. I've got two tickets already. I knew we were going back soon. And just on time.. The plane leaves tomorrow at 4:35 pm."

"That's erm. Smart, but what about my mom ? I can't just 'up and leave' her... Again... I didn't like the face she had. I remember that face till this day." She said as her eyes enlighten.

"Faith, don't cry. It's okay. She'll be fine. Trust me."

"O-Okay.. Yours right.. I live over there anyway. I should just go. She'll be fine right ? What's the worst that could happen ?" She smiled brightly.

"See. Okay now come on we've got a big day tmrw. Let's go to bed." She nodded and we headed upstairs.

I started texting Harry. Yes, I still don't like him, but he's my best mate I can go to when I mess up.

To Harrrold ~ hey Harry

I sat on the bed and waited for Harry to text me back.

"Where are you going ?" I asked faith as she got up from the bed.

"Ima take a shower. I'll be back soon." She replied. I nodded and she left before two texts came in from Harry.

From Harrrold ~ hey Lou

From Harrrold ~ What's up ?

I decided to call him because I'm to lazy to text him.

"Hello ?" He answered on the third ring.

"Hey Harry. I didn't want to type so.. But Harry I messed up."

"What did you do ? Did you hurt faith ?" His voice full in concern which mad me angry.

"No. But look, I went to a strip club, and I seen.. Erm.. I seen.."

"Louis," he spoke pushing the words out of me.

"I seen Lorelie." I spit out. Looking up to see if Faith had heard me.

"Oh...... Did you ...." He trailed off. "Did you like..."

"Harry I didn't do anything with her. We only talked. And she had a baby." I said as my voice started to shake.

"Oh my gosh.."

"A-and it was mine, Harry. The baby, was mine."

"Oh -well-you- what're you gonna do.?"

"That's the thing. On my way home I kept thinking. Like, I could have a baby again and actually get to keep it. With... Faith."

"So you're going to use Faith.." He said putting together the pieces.

"As harsh as that sounds.. Kind of.. I mean no, I'm not going to knock her up, then leave with the kid.. I just want to get her pregnant and help support the baby.. She can too, but I want to me the primary care taker I want the baby to love me, more than anything because I can't get my own kid."

"Lou, are you sure this isn't ... Jealousy ? So you can have a kid and rub it in her face to hurt her like she did you ?" He knew me so well.

"No." I sat here thinking about it. Well I did want to prove to her that I didn't need her, and yes majority of the reason, is to hurt her. But yes of course I want to do this to have a kid that loves me to death. "No."

"Lou..... You don't have to lie."

"I'm not gosh.. Why are you even assuming that.?" I felt bad. I feel like a bad person... I love faith. For always and forever.

"If you love faith as much as you say you do, then don't do this to her."

"You seem to concerned about this."

"Because I am, Lou. You can't do this to her, she's going to find out soon, and she's going to hurt. I don't want her to get hurt.. Because I l- because she's a really special girl....." He caught himself.

"You love her." I said it for him.



"Louis, I.."

"Harry, I know. I know you love her. And I know she's getting feeling for you. But I'm not letting that happen. She was mine first." I said letting the jealousy of Lorelie slip out my head.

"Oh, oh you had her first. I'm so sorry Louis.. You're right ... She belonged to you first. Lou she isn't something to fight over. Yes I will get her in the end. But look I'm not going to fight for her."

"Good because she's mind and you aren't going to get her in the end. I am." I said about to hang up when I hear him laugh.

"We'll see." He hung up.


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