Part One~The Book

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 person~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was the winter solstice and as normal the gods were fighting. Apollo with Artemis about the hunters. Zeus was arguing with his wife Hera about something. Athena and Poseidon were fighting about Athens ( A.N. oh my gods no one guest that ) . Ares and Hephaestus  were fighting over Aphrodite. Aphrodite  was also fighting with Artemis. 

Then a flash interrupted the arguing and fighting. Nine demi-gods all in a huge and presumably very uncomfortable dog pile in the center of the throne room. "Who ever that is with there toe in my mouth, get it out now!" "Sorry Jason, but I can't unless Piper gets of my leg!" "I can't unless pine cone face gets of me!" Nico won't get of me so, sorry pipes!" "Percy stop touching my butt!" "Annabeth that is not me who ever that is speak now and you wont get hurt as bad-" "sorry Percy just trying to get her of me " Valdes! and GET OFF ME NOW !!!!!!!!" They all quickly scrambled of leaving a boy to dust off and push him self of the floor. Facing the gods the same boy said "Why did you summon us here?" All the demi-gods had come besides him and were looking bordly at the gods. "Wait Annabeth this most definitely isn't your throne room." Then a book hit Leo upside the head, "OWW" a note lightly plopped itself on Percy's head he plucked it of and handed it to frank "If you would do the honors." 

"Dear  gods and Demi-gods

         You will be reading about the adventures of a great hero from start to finish (if you guys want to se it). Gods you may not hurt these Demi-gods because it will negatively affect the future. Demi-gods  please introduce your selves with your name and godly parent but don't use titles  you will find out by reading the books.

                                                                                                                                                                        sincerely- The fates 

"Well" booms Zeus "get on with it"  "Of course drama queen" "Drama Queen!!!!!!!!!!" Thunders Zeus while all the gods and demi-gods were laughing. "You will be hearing that again, Drama Queen" said Poseidon and Hades said. When all the laughing stopped the Demi-gods finally started to introduce them self's. 

"I'm Percy Jackson son of Poseidon, and I now don't start whining about 'Poseidon broke the Oath' alright." said a boy with black hair, a muscular build, and sea green eyes. Poseidon looked at his son a face of approval and pride stamped on his face.

"I'm Annabeth Chase Daughter of Athena" said a girl with Blond hair, and stormy gray eyes. "I'm  Jason Grace Son of Zeus same deal with Percy." said a boy with blond hair and electric bleu eyes. "I'm Piper Mclean Daughter of Aphrodite" said a girl with brown hair and kaleidoscope eyes.

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ time skip brought to you by you very lazy author~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"So who is going to start reading" asked Percy "I will" said Athena


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2015 ⏰

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