Obsessed- Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to anyone who has post-potter depression :(

I came up with this idea and just had to write the first chapter. I thought of this when I was acting slightly obsessed myself. I decided it would be fun to write, so I did. This is my first book in any of the two categories, so show a girl some love. :)

Disclaimer: WARNING! This book character's are overly obsessive. Do not attempt to imitate them. :)



Obsessed- Chapter One:

I blinked back my tears as the final credits rolled over the screen.

"No!" I cried loudly, earning a few curious stares from the few people left in the theater. "Why? Why did it have to end?"

I sadly glanced sideways to see my best friend Carly crying silently, dabbing a napkin on her flushed cheeks.

"Harry Potter got me through so much in my life," she said, sobbing. "And now it's all...over." At this word, she threw her head up dramatically and proceeded to cry hard into her hands.

I could see people's peculiar gazes at us, but at this point, I was really too depressed to care. As me and Carly were sitting and moping, I suddenly heard a ring tone coming from the bag at Carly's feet. Though it seemed that she was too busy at the moment to notice.

"Uh...Carly? Your phone is ringing."

 She screamed angrily, but nonetheless, bent down to get her phone.

 "Hello?" I heard some incoherent voice on the other end. "I don't want to leave. I don't care how long you've been waiting! The world has already ended, it doesn't matter!" With that, she hung up the phone and returned to sitting on the theater seat.

By now, we were the only people left. I got up with a large sigh and grabbed Carly's bag from the ground.

"Come on," I said, tugging lightly on her limp hand. "I don't want to go, Maisie!" she yelled.

I started tugging harder and harder and soon it became a tug of war, with her hand as a rope. By now, she was literally on the floor, her hand holding the bottom of the seat so I couldn't move her. Finally, she gave up and I let her hand go.

"You tug like Hagrid. Do you know how much that hurts? I'm coming, no need to get your bloody knickers in a twist." She got up without uttering another word, which is pretty odd for her, and followed me out the the theater like a zombie. Once we were outside, she grabbed a mirror from her pocket and looked at her reflection.

In the lighting, I could see mascara running down her cheeks. Her blue eyes were puffy and her blond hair was plopped on the top of her head in a messy bun. Overall, she didn't look too great, but I probably looked no better.

"Great. Now I look like some ugly Bellatrix impersonator," she huffed, stuffing her mirror back into the bag.

Ignoring her, I walked out the theater doors and onto the sidewalk. My brown hair was suddenly flying everywhere, partially obsuring my vision.  So....where's your brother?" I asked, attempting some sort of conversation so I could temporarily forget my immense sadness.

"I don't know. He'll come soon," she mumbled. We waited in silence, until I saw her brother's red sports car speed towards us.

"There he is." I said, waving wildly to get his attention. The car stopped right in front of us and we hopped in silently. Once the door was closed, the car moved forward and out of the theater complex.

"So, how was the movie, Maisie?" her brother, Evan, asked. He flashed me a big grin, his gray eyes twinkling and his blond hair all messed up.

I knew that he was waiting for the day that Harry Potter would end. He was never a big fan and he's been trying to convince Carly that books weren't important ever since the day she was born. That coming from someone with a brain capacity as low as Evan's does not mean much.

"Good." I answered, shrugging.

"Good? Good?!" Carly suddenly shrieked next to me. "Harry Potter just faddoddling ended! I mean, why couldn't the directors make it three movies? Showbiz people are so inconsiderate! I mean, I bet there's going to be a crazy suicide rate now that Harry Potter's ended. Even Percy Jackson has ended! I mean, sure, there's that 'The Heroes Of Olympus' series, but Percy's not even the main character! It's doesn't have the same feeling to it!"

The car was quiet for a second after her outburst. Then, Evan burst out laughing.

"Seriously Carly, why are you such a dork?" He asked, wiping tears from his eyes. Carly was sending him deadly glares right now, but it seemed like Evan hadn't noticed.

As this process was going on, I looked out of the window sadly.

We pulled up on their driveway, and the car suddenly stopped. Carly and me just sat there, unmoving and deep in our thoughts.

Evan looked back at the two of us. "Uh... Are you two going to get out?"

"We'll get out when we want, what's it to you? Bloody hell, what is with people these days?" Carly snapped at him.

Evan put his hands up defensively. "Ok, no need to get so feisty," he said, getting out of the car. After a few minutes, we both got up and shut the car doors. Not looking back once, we opened the front door of the house and closed it loudly.

Both of us walked slowly up the stairs and down the long hallways until we reached Carly's bedroom. Opening the door, we proceeded to jump on the bed, landing on our stomachs and bouncing.

I stuffed my face into her bed and exclaimed,"The world is officially over."

Carly snorted. "You're telling me. Almost all the cool books and movies are over. Now what?"

"I really don't know," I sighed.

"And you know what annoys me the most?"


"I would kill for any book character's life. I don't care if I die, at least I had an exciting life before my death."

 It was like she read my mind. "I know! Gosh, it would be so cool to be a half-blood, or a wizard- it would be cool to be any book character. We could have such cool adventures," I said, sighing dreamily.

I glanced over at Carly to see a very peculiar sight. I was expecting her to look sad and teary.

Instead, she was grinning ear to ear, her eyes wide and excited. It was actually kinda unnerving.

"Maisie, you're a genius."


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