By: Evilbeggarss
They throw us away when they don't want our noises and our dark beams
When we cry and sigh there's no one to care
But they littered our voices so we can't scream
They feel entitled so they pull at our hair
So what happens when the milk goes bad and the kid monsters grow up with angry steams
Don't knock on our door, steal our future and judge us over there
'Cause when we get our vengeance you won't be redeemed
But we're the real victims we know they lies come in pairs
They discard us for a better place because they can't see their wrongs in their teams
They feel like their the innocent ones all high but to us unmightly and we glare
So we wait for our savior to release us from our jails, from our cages or so it seems.
Don't blame us for your false judgements we're discarded and ugly, but you seem unaware
Unaware of our pain and make up your own, you don't hear our side you'll never take the leap
Because that's what we are we're monsters in your eyes, eyes that see the injustice and unfair
So here is our test our test to you. If you're as good as you believe as good as your 'big hearts'
So we're done talking now, we want to fight, we declare war war over there
-Thanks. I hope you vote if you like my poem! :) -