Chapter one Down

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"Im going down stairs!"
I called as I slowly stepped down the creaky wooden steps to our basement. My parents think I go down to watch Tv, because I only go down at certain times, I guess you could call it my cover. It's not like I have anything else to do. My name is Sub. Subon, actually. I just like Sub better. It's simple, and I like it. Anyways, back to the story. I reach the bottom of the stairs, and step, bear foot, onto cold concrete. Still hearing no response from my parents, I quietly move to the couch in the back.
"Hmmm....what should I watch..." I say, just loud enough to be herd. I quickly decide to just "watch" whatever is on, and I'm surprised to see the religious show is on. I chuckle to myself. I remember when I watched that with my friend once. We laughed so hard and made up Names for the characters. That was 3 years ago. I doubt she even remembers me, she probably has lots of new friends at her new school in California. Unlike me. No one likes me. I don't speak at school, only if I am acknowledged by a teacher. I hear what they say though, some hate me, others say I'm mute. It all hurts.
'It's funny how little things bring back so many thoughts and memories' I think, not wanting to speak to the air. But, instead if sitting on the couch, I walk over to we're the tv sits on a small wooden table. I slowly take a deep breath. I don't know why this phases me. I go through it almost every day. I have a secret, that no one knows about but me. I walk, tentatively into the wall, at the space where there is something but nothing, and surprisingly, no one has ever found it. As I step into the dimly lit room, I slowly open up the book I keep in my neon green jacket, all the time, everywhere. I slowly flip open the blood stained cover and flip to a tattered page with writing on it. Writhing only I know. I walk up to the book shelf protected table, and place my hands on it. I love the magic purple blue glow it sends off. It's calming. I feel a rush of power flow through my arms and spread throughout me. I love this, the magic and tranquility of it all fascinates me. Whispering foreign words and moving my arms about like a dancer, I began to feel the change I was making. When I finished my show the room lit up with a brilliant blaze of rainbow light. I smiled, holding the spell up for a bit longer,relishing in the warmth and welcoming if the light.

I was snapped out of my trance like state by the loud yelling and clumping of shoes down wooden stairs. This caused me to loos control of the light, so if flowed out of the room to where my mother was walking into the room like area with the couch.
"Sub where are yo-" my mother was cut off by the light glow that surged around the room. It is still very bright, even after fading for a minute so it could stun a person and temporarily blind you. I took that opportunity, grabbed my book, and jumped out of the room, landing on the couch.
"What..what the hell was that?!" My mom asked, tubing her eyes. I turned as casualty to my mom as I could.
"What do you mean?" I asked, acting like I hadn't seen anything.
"What do you mean?! I mean what was just in here?! Am I going insane?!" My mom fret. I couldn't help but smile to myself.
"Maybe you are, because I didn't see anything." I replied to her.
"Maybe I am" she said back "anyways, I came to tell you lunch is ready, so hurry up before it gets cold."
"O-ok." I said back, shivering slightly. Damn it's cold down here. I watched her as she walked up the stairs and I silently followed, not speaking.

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