A Little Something Special (Harry Styles Imagine)

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You and Josh are laying down on a blanket on the beach. You guys have been best friends since primary school, so nothing was really awkward. You have a question on your mind. "Hey Josh, can I ask you something?" "Sure, what's up?" he asks now facing you. "Okay, so you know Harry right?" "well duh." he said full of sass. "You know what I mean." you say shoving him a little. "sorry, continue." he says. You take a deep breathe and continue. "Well, I was thinking of maybe, asking him out. What do you think?" His eyes grow wide and a smile creeps on his face. "You wanna date Harry?!" you nod you head and a small smile appears on your face. "That's so cute!" Josh says, covering his mouth like a girl, surprised. "I really like him and he's really fun to be around." "Oh so now I'm not fun?" He says being fake offended. "You're my best friend, you don't count." you say shove him a little. He just laughs and a now visible smile is on your face. "But in all seriousness, I think you should ask him out. I think you two would be really good together." "But I don't want to do it. What if he doesn't like me? Then I would be making a fool of myself." Josh thinks for a bit, then says, "Well, we have rehearsals tomorrow, why don't i find out if he likes you." Your face lights up. "You would really do that for me?" you ask in pure excitement. "Of course, what are friends for." he said and gave you a side hug.

So at rehearsals, Josh talks to Harry. "Hey, Harry. Can I talk to you for a minute?" "Sure." They walk away from everyone. "What's up?" "Okay, so you know my friend (Y/N) right?" "Yeah.." "Well, I know for a fact that she likes you, a lot." Harry smiled at the ground. "She does?" "Yup. So my question to you is do you like her?" Harry took a minute. He shook his head. "I do. I can really be myself around her, and she is really fun to be with." Josh laughs. "What's so funny?" Harry asked with a confused smile on his face. "That is the exact same thing she said about you." Harry laughed as well. "Oh really?" "Yeah, so what are going to do? Are you going to ask her out?" Harry thought for a minute. "I think I am. But how? What should I say?" "Hmm." Josh thought as well. He got an idea. "Okay well, there is a party down at the beach tonight. She was planning on going. Why don't you take her?" A smile spread big on Harry's face. "yeah, that's what I'll do." "Alright mate, good luck." Josh and harry went back to the lads. They had rehearsals and finished at 7:30pm.

Josh called you, "Hey (Y/N), are you ready for the beach party?" "Yup I sure am. Are you here yet?" "I am, and I have a surprise for you." "Um, okay?" Josh didn't say anything to you. "Hello? Josh? Are you there?" No answer. So you hung up the phone and finished getting ready, which just included getting your shoes on. You opened your front door, and there stood Harry. "Oh, hey Harry. What are you doing here?" "I am here to ask you something." "Oh, okay. What is it?" You said, with a shy smile. "Would you care to go to the beach party with me?" You looked up and into Harry's eyes. He took your hands and said, "I really like you and..." he trailed off, getting a bit nervous. "Harry, I really like you too, and I would love to go to the party with you." He smiled and let out a hidden breathe. The rest of the lads come out of nowhere and yelled "Yay!" You and Harry both laughed an walked to the beach with the lads.

At the party, you and the lads were having such a good time. Dancing, playing in the water a bit. Towards the end, there was a fireworks display. You and Harry were sitting together, just looking at the sky full of different colours. Harry turned to you. You noticed him out of the corner of your eye and turned your head to face him. "What?" you asked. "Nothing, I just..." he trailed off again. You could tell he wanted to tell you something, but couldn't. "Harry, you can tell me. It's okay." He breathed deep and said, "(Y/N), would you be my girlfriend?" That kind of caught you off guard, but in a good way. You smiled widely. "Harry, I would love to." He smiled as well. He intertwined your fingers. You looked into each others eyes. You both leaned in slowly. When your lips crashed together, the fireworks display went crazy. It was definitely the most spark-filled kiss either of you have ever had.   

I Hope You Guys Like This One :) Let Me Know What Other Kinds Of Imagines You Would Like Me To Do :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2013 ⏰

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