Scott Imagine

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You walk into your new school and look around. Well here it is, Beacon Hills. You came here because your dad had to switch jobs. You find your way to the office and get your schedule and locker combo. You try to find it but fail and you're just about to give up when you crash into a boy who looks about your age.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see where I was" The boy says flustered and finally meets your eyes. You notice that he is extremely cute with adorable dimples and brown eyes.

"It's fine. I wasn't looking either and why did you say wow?" You ask with a light blush and he blushes too.

"Because I would have remembered a beautiful girl like you, so you must be new here, right?" He says and you nod, still blushing at what he said.

"Here, let me see your schedule. I can show you around. By the way I'm Scott. What's your name?" He asks.

"Y/N. Thanks." You say and hand it to him. It turns out that you have lockers right across the hall from each other and most of the same classes. You shows you to English and he winks at you while you go to take your seat which of course makes you blush and he chuckles. "Stop blushing so much Y/N! You only just met this guy!" You think to yourself, but it feels like you've known him for much more than just a couple of hours. You go to the rest of your classes and like all your teachers except for one. He's apparently the coach of the lacrosse team and acts like everyone should obey him like a king. You grab a sandwich and lemonade and look for a table.

"Y/N!" someone shouts and you turn to see Scott waving you over to a table with about 5 other people. You go over shyly and Scott introduces you to everyone. There are 4 guys including Scott and 2 girls. There names are Stiles, Isaac, Lydia, and Allison, and Jackson. You wave and sit down in between Scott and Lydia.

"Where did you get your jacket? It's so cute!" Lydia asks and you look down to see your quilted leather jacket which you had paired with a striped top, jeans, and black boots.

"Topshop." You reply and she smile. She, you, and Allison get to talking and soon make plans to go to the mall that weekend. You smiled. You were starting to really like it here. You had made a bunch of friends who seemed really cool and sweet, exception that kid Jackson. He just gave off an obnoxious vibe and glared at you when he caught you looking at him.

"Just ignore him. He's just jealous that I'm co-captain with him this year of the lacrosse team." Scott whispers in my ear and I laugh. We finish our lunch and Scott walks with me to Chemistry. Soon, school is over and I walk outside to my car and am about to drive off when Scott taps on my window.

"Hey, Y/N. Do you think I could have your number? You seem really cool and I want to get to know you more." Scott asks shyly and I laugh as I plug my number in.

"See you around, Scott." I say as I drive off, but before I am out of hearing distance I hear Stile shout to Scott,

"Come on loverboy! I don't have all day." Which makes me laugh as I drive off. Today was a start to an adorable relationship between you two.

Author's Note: Hey guys! Let me know what you thought in the comments. I promise to include more couple stuff as I go on. Hope you like it!



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