My New Home

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As I was led through the bleak, grey corridors by two guards, I felt a tear drip down my face. The rattling of cell doors drowned out any other noise, as the strong musky scent of men filled my nostrils. I wasn't cut out for this type of place, how did I even get here? My jumpsuit fell from one of my shoulders as I tried to glimpse through the small windows on each cell door. I could see other men, men twice the size of me, bald men lifting weights, the type of people you don't really want to get too close to. Couldn't the guards see that I, a skinny 18-year-old lad, wasn't supposed to be here? I wanted to beg, but that would be no use. I had no option but to walk on, down the cold, unforgiving voices. Past the rattling doors and the sarcastic wolf whistles.
Suddenly, a hand grasped my shoulder, stopping me instantly. A door was unlocked, and I was instructed to stand in the doorway.
"Remove your jumpsuit." A guard said viciously. I hesitated.
"I said remove your fucking jumpsuit!" he shouted. I did as he said, quickly unzipping it and stepping out of it. The guard's strong arms held me into place amd spread my legs apart, as I yelped in shock, clueless as to what was happening. As the glove snapped over his hand however, I knew. I closed my eyes as his fingers penetrated my sphincter and began feeling around my hole, getting more and more forceful. My cock couldn't help but grow as he brushed against my prostate, as I pleaded with God for this to be over soon.
"Hey!" A voice called out from a dark corner of the cell. "Fuck off, you've done your search."
Almost immediately, the guard exited my asshole, removed the glove, and pushed me into the cell. He locked the door, and left me standing, still naked in front of who I assumed was my cellmate. As I looked on, the man stood up and allowed the light to hit him, and I almost audibly gasped. He was shirtless himself, but had much more of a right to be than me. His muscles were obvious, a six pack adorned his stomach, sitting proudly below two bulging pecs. His torso and neck were full of tattoos, and his head was shaven into a buzz cut. He hulked over my small frame and, not for the first time, I felt intimidated here.
"Enjoy that?" He croaked, nodding to my erection. Embarrassed, I quickly picked up my jumpsuit, and slid it back on.
"So you're the new roomy are you?" He began to circle me, and I felt his piercing eyes survey my body. "Do you speak?" He asked gruffly.
"I'm D-David..." I said timidly, as he continued to circle me.
"Well David, what have you got to say to me for stopping those faggot guards from raping you?"
"T-thank you..." I reply.
"Jack, name's Jack."
Jack. I looked up at his face, seeing he was still looking me over, as if I was a car he was thinking of buying.
"So," he said, "What are you here for?"
"I into a got quite bloody..." That was only the half-truth. You see, I was in a gang. It started off as nothing, just a few mates throwing stones at windows and stuff, until we got a bit older. One of the guys, Bradley, fancied himself as the leader of this gang, and none of us ever really argued this. Bradley was our leader. My friendship with him turned into admiration, and the admiration slowly turned into an attraction. I began noticing how defined his facial features were, how beautifully tanned and toned his body was, and how much I was infatuated with him. I used to dream about Bradley bending me over his bed, and I fantasized about telling him I loved him, but that was never going to happen. Anyway, the day of my arrest, I was at home. I turned a corner to bump into Bradley and the lads, their hands covered in blood, and another lad lying on the floor. I heard sirens as Bradley ran for it, leaving me at the scene of the crime. I could have grassed him in, but I couldn't. I fucking loved him. The detectives knew I hadn't done it, but they also knew that I knew who had. They had to finger someone for it, and that turned out to be me. So, now I was here, all because my of my stupid teenage brain. But I wasn't gonna tell him that.
"Stupid kids," Jack retorted, "Thrown your life away for what? A bit of gang violence..."
His words actually shamed me, turning my face red again as I sat down on my bed.
"What did the lad do? Finger your girlfriend or something I'll bet. Pointless."
I grew more and more ashamed. "I didn't do it," I murmured in reply.
Jack laughed. "Of course you didn't. No one here has ever committed a crime. I believe you son, I swear."
"No," I said, "I really didn't do it. I took the fall for a mate." I really didn't want to be telling him this but he really had a talent of shaming me.
"Oh? Why the fuck would you do that? Young love?" His joke got me even more embarrassed, largely due to the fact it was true. Jack look at me, and saw me blushing. "Oh fuck, it is young love isn't it?" Jack started laughing, almost maniacally.
I tried to explain, but I couldn't get a word in over the laughter. "What, so you were sucking his dick or something and took the fall for him? Wow..."
"No..." I replied pleadingly, "I'm not gay!"
Jack laughed some more. "Cut the shit son, I know you are gay. Don't fucking lie to me..." His tone suddenly got more menacing.
I slumped my shoulders, defeated. "Okay..." I heaved, "I am gay. But it wasn't like you said. He doesn't know I'm gay."
I looked up, and seen Jack eagerly listening to me. Coming out to my huge new cellmate wasn't exactly my plan though.
"Aww, young love." Jack said, sarcastically. He stood up, walking slowly over towards my bed. Crouching down beside me, his hand travelled to the back of my head, grasping it tightly. His manly stench filled my nostrils as I looked into his eyes.
"You being a queer might just work to your benefit in here..."

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