"It always does. That's why."

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Hai reader! So you found my trashy fanfiction..

Okay so first things first I have to put these triggers in here so nobody gets upset:


This fanfiction contains drug use.

A'ight. Now that bullshit is out of the way, we can start.

Constructive criticism only please, for this is my first sad fanfic. Thanks~




Chris breathed out shakily, her fragile body succumbing to the unforgiving cold. It was -22 degrees, way colder than where she used to live. She wrapped the borrowed coat from her Dad tighter around her frame, trying to keep warm. The warmth she craved reminded her of her old home in the ruins. Sitting round the fire with her Dad and Toriel reading bedtime stories and telling bad, corny knock-knock jokes.

Toriel was the closest thing she had to a mother now. She'd originally fallen down into the underground as a small child. Sans, who had been at Toriel's place, had stormed out her house after an argument and aimlessly started wandering through the Ruins. He found her being attacked by a putrid little creature. He'd managed to be rid-of it and taken her home to an anxious Toriel. She said she didn't want to raise the child herself, because she would have to just watch her leave like the rest of the humans that had fallen down. So, with the subtle guidance of Toriel, Sans and Papyrus had raised her.

Now, they hadn't done a bad job.
Not at all! It was just.. Well..

Chris shuffled into Grillby's feeling thankful for the pleasant warmth in the dingy bar. She made sure her watchful father wasn't moping around in his usual place before proceeding. At the back of the bar, there were some dingy, disgusting, uni-sex toilets that nobody really ever used and Chris usually did her business back here, where nobody could see her. She wandered inside, making sure not to directly touch the door handles, fearing it was CRAWLING with germs. Chris stepped closer to the sink counter and snaked a hand in her pocket, producing a brown paper bag filled with cocaine. The dealer she had was pretty good. A lot of assholes put all sorts into their coke to dilute it down. Dangerous chemicals, quite often. But this guy... He asked for more than the other dealers. But his shit was gooooood~
After a few minutes of faffing around, she finally leant over the counter and scored her line.

"What do you think your doing..?" A soft voice purred from behind. Chris gave a squeak, as the mystery person squeezed her left arse cheek a little unforgivingly. She spun round to be met face to face with the bartender. Grillby.

"G-Grillby? What are you-"

He interrupted her. "Care to explain what it is your doing..?"

Chris shuffled uncomfortably under his gaze. He put his arms either side of her and leaned on the counter, giving her no chance of escape.

"..." He sighed and gently rubbed her cheek. Grillby brushed the remnants of the foul substance off her nose and looked at her through his rectangular frames. Chris didn't know what to say. She couldn't lie to him. Grillby was that kinda person you just DON'T lie to. Besides, he probably saw the whole thing and she hadn't heard him walk in.

He finally broke the silence. "Why are you doing this gal? Your like, 16 now? Your going to destroy your body doing shit like this, kid..." He sighed again and traced a finger down her chest, making her cheeks flare up. Surprisingly, the heat didn't harm her. "Does your Dad know about this?" He enquired, catching her attention.

"N-no.." She replied meekly.

"Well c'mon.. I'll take a break. I'll walk you home, explain to your Dad what's happened and-"

"N-no! P-please Grill.. Don't tell my Dad.. I don't want him getting upset.. He's angry with me as it is. Please. I'm begging ya' Grill.." She sniffled and began to cry. "I can't get off these stupid drugs man. My body has started craving them too much.."

Grillby listened to her, expressionless and impartial as always. Chris spoke about how she'd started getting into drugs. She'd had a fight with someone along time ago that left them both hospitalised. She had to have a lot of painkillers and eventually got addicted, which lead on to trying drugs such as ecstasy, weed, and then coke. She'd kept it a secret from her Dad because she knew he worried too much about her as it was. Chris couldn't deal with it. She couldn't cope.

Grillby rested his head on her shoulder and shushed her.

"It'll work out little one. Don't fret."

She looked up, her eyes filled with tears. "How do you know..? How do you know I'm not gonna just die of an OD?"

He gazed at her softly and stroked her hair. "It always does. That's why."


"Come on, lets get you home.."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2015 ⏰

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