pt 2

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I turn and look her in the eyes, and see a total lack of emotions, deadness.  And to think I caused this to happen to her.  I never meant for it to get this far.  My name’s Chris and this is my story.


Let me start from the beginning, Veronica’s brother Steve and I have been friends since we were little.  So I always tried to be nice to her.  I mean Steve is my best friend so I don't want him to hate me.  Not that that matters anymore.  But when it was Veronica’s 10th birthday something snapped in me.


“Chrissy, what did you get me?” She looks up at me with a big grin stretching across her face.

“Now why would I tell you that?  It would ruin the surprise.”  She starts to pout because earlier that week she told me exactly what to get her., which I did because I would have had no clue what to get a ten year old girl.

“Please? Please? Please? Please? Plea-” I throw my hand over her mouth to get her to stop talking.  And what does she do?  She licks me! I groan and walk away.

Veronica goes to start opening her presents and Chris suddenly walks up to her and smashes cake in her face.

“MOMMY! Chris threw cake in my face” Veronica wails.  Upset that her dress just got ruined and that her Chrissy was being mean to her.

“Shut it you baby” He screams at her “Why dont you just go away nobody wants you here?”  He continues to yell at her until she runs away with tears on her face.


When I think back to that moment I don't really know what happened to make me snap, but ever since that day, I have never said a nice word to her again.

Today she is starting at McNeal, the high school I go to.  SO I felt like I would give a “warm welcome” to keep her in place.  But that didn’t go as I thought it would.  I killed the person she used to be.  It’s gone and replaced by an empty shell of a person.

“What have I done” I say out loud to myself.  Why did I have to ruin her life?  What is Steve going to do to me when he finally figures it out?

“Son, what are you doing out here?” the security guard ask me.

“I really don't know anymore.”  I can't even look him in the eyes, I feel so ashamed and dirty about what I’ve done to Veronica.  

I turn and walk out of the school, not even bothering when the guard yells “Wait!”

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