Kidnapped by pirates

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*this is my first story to post on here please let me know what you think*

I fought for control as my muscles ached from the amount of practice I had done today. My father was merciless though. His sword continued to swing toward me at every possible angle. I only had time to block as each blow was sent my way, if I hadn’t seen him do such things ever since I was a little girl I’d be shocked at how good of a swordsman he was, or even the amount of stamina a man of his age still had.

I looked at his face and saw a hint of a grin there and knew that he was only toying with me. That made me angry.  Has he beaten me so often that he no longer felt challenged when he fought me?  I would not except that, he had not won yet. I let my anger push me forward and I blocked his downward swing and shoved forward. I saw the shock register on his face and used that to my advantage. I took the offense and started swinging with the ferocity I had only seen in my father.

His blue eyes were full of shock once again then he laughed, “why Kia you’ve been holding back” then his eyes turned hard once again, “but I’m afraid young lady you still won’t beat me.” it was my turn to laugh, “so confident father?”

We continued attacking,  each of us trying to get the upper hand until I saw a small opening and using the move that had been drilled into me for years, I caught the hilt of his sword and twisted my own causing his sword to fly out of his hand. My sword tip touched his chest and I couldn’t help the smile that came across my face I’d done it. I’d finally beaten my father.

He was smiling to, “Very good Kia but you must remember when you beat someone else don’t smile so much act like you’ve won a few times.”

I nodded, “yes father.” He inclined his head, “good now I think you’ve done enough sword work today go and get ready to start guard duty. Their has been ships sitting out not far from harbor the past couple of days as you know and we need all the extra man power that we can give them.”

As he spoke I couldn’t help but frown. what I wouldn’t give to get on one of those ships and get away from this life. Not that I don’t love my father and all I just don’t like staying one place for to long and all these snotty people who live here have always looked down on me and my father. Ever since he decided that I should learn how to handle a sword, knife and hand to hand combat.

Though that doesn’t mean that I don’t act like a young lady every once in awhile, my father has made sure that I got a chance to wear dresses and cook and sew. I have to admit dresses do make me feel pretty but all the work that goes into it is exhausting. I honestly don’t know how women do it everyday. Men’s breeches are so much easier and have you every tried fighting in a dress its almost impossible.

 You must be wondering why my father wanted me to learn all these things well long story short he  used to be a pirate and then he met my mother and they fell in love he left his old life behind to stay with her.  Well I say used to be a pirate but he always claims ‘once a pirate always a pirate’ and I can see how badly he wishes that he could go back to the water and run a ship of his own. I often ask him why he doesn’t just go and do that and he says he made a promise to my mother that he would wait at the very least  until I was married before he went off and became a pirate again. I’ve told him time and time again I don’t want to be married and he just smiles and says ‘you wait Kialdry you’ll meet your soul mate and you’ll be eatin your words.’

“Kialdry!” I jumped slightly looking up at my father sheepishly knowing I’d been caught daydreaming. He just chuckled, “Go get changed wear that new dress that I got you.” I nodded then headed for the door, wait he wanted me to wear a dress for guard duty and at that a new dress? I turned back around, “My new dress?”

He sighed, “That’s what I said. What’s the problem you know how to fight in a dress and I intend on you getting married soon so it won’t hurt if some of the men get a good look at you. Did I tell you that a few of them have been asking about you?”

I frowned, “Why would they ask about me?” he rolled his eyes, “My guess would be they see how beautiful you are and are smitten.”

It was my turn to roll my eyes he always thought sarcasm was the way to go when I asked what he believed where stupid questions, “Fine I’ll wear the dress but if it gets ripped its your fault not mine.” He smiled his blue eyes twinkling “Understood”

With that I walked out of the fencing room of our house and made my way up the stairscase to my room which was on the top floor.  Our house was huge the stairs made of oak wood and the stone walls were covered with all sorts of designs. My mother had been the daughter of the governor which meant that we had inherited the house when she died. Both my father and I had agreed that the house was much to big for only two people so now the house was filled with a lot of commoners. Another reason that the other royals looked down upon my father and I.  

 I made my way over to my closet and found the dress in which my father had been talking about it was a dark blue made out of silk and I have to admit it was gorgeous and it made me look rather pretty when I wore it. I sighed their was no way in the world I was getting this thing on alone.  I walked to my door and called to my maid Isabelle she came running in asking what I needed and I pointed across the room at the dress which sat innocently on my bed.

After 15 minutes of struggling and pulling it was finally on and Isabelle had even fixed my hair were it was half up and half down. I looked in the mirror and saw a stunning girl standing where I was. Her tanned skin stood out against the dress and dark hair shone in the light and her green eyes were wide as she took in everything.

Isabelle laughed, “Miss I’d stop staring and get on to guard duty as you father asked you to.”

I snapped out of it and looked away from my reflection, “you’re right as always Izzy. I’ll get going then”

*Please tell me what you think any feedback is welcome*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2011 ⏰

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