Passional Love

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                                                                         *Jammie Pove*

As I Look in The Mirror I look at this ugly girl. Everyone thinks she just a cute and adorable but Jacob doesn't he says she just beautiful but she dosnt care about what they say about her. But Her BestFriend Daijaa and Nicole were over her house.




''Why always hanging hanging with that boy Jacob"Nicole said looking at Jammie weird 

"Yea he aint shit man you forgotten all about us Jay'' Daijaa Told Jammie

'' I dont hang with him like that he just a close friend that i hang with''  i said knowing that i really miss him we was together for a long tiime whitch was a year

''No you knew that boy since 8th grade stop all that bs yall had a coo relationship'' Daijaa said with her high voice

"yall can leave me and jacob relationship alone until i wanna tell you about it'' i yelled trying to act mad at them knowing that they were right 

When they left at about 12:00pm we was kicking it watching "Love And HipHop'' Steavie J slow. But I was texting Jacob in the morning at 8:30 am

*Text Messages*

Me: GoodMoring

Jay:GoodMoring Beautiful <3

Me: Wyd (What You Doin)

Jay: Nothing Thinking About A Special Girl

Me: Who Is That?

Jay: You Bae :)


Jay: wanna go out or want me to come over?

Me:I Dont have any money right now so u should just come over for a lil while

Jay:be there at 5:00 bye Jayy 

Okay So Yes I may be falling for him but not like that i mean he the one out of this relationship that fuck it up so maybe im just missing him so much i need to calm down and if we want to be with me then we gone have to prolly see ma bad side

Passional LoveWhere stories live. Discover now