chapter 1- please don't eat me...

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Wildstar looked around, seeing that the NightWing predator was still their at his desk, typing something on a strange device, an advanced typewriter, mixed with the tablet that he called an iPhone 6s. Whatever that was, she hoped that it couldn't pick up her heartbeat. She froze when he got up, then left.

"It feels as if I had to wait until FrostFall for him to leave, when I know it's been about 3 weeks..." Wildstar growled, clutching her stomach. 

Three weeks, was how long she had waited, three weeks, and she had to scavenge for crumbs, which were scarce here. She scampered towards his desk, and picked up what he was eating. It smelled good, and looked good. She tried to snap it into two pieces, but it broke, making a "Crunch!" noise. She bit it, chewing the new food item slowly to taste it. It was a combination of two things she's never even tried.

"Mmph! This is better than crumbs!" Wildstar hissed.

"So, I'm taking that you've never had chips?" A voice said, causing Wildstar to freeze in place.

She turned around slowly, and saw a pair of amethyst eyes, dragon-like teeth, and black hair with white skin. It was the NightWing predator. She wanted to run, but knew that she would basically be telling him, by her actions, "hey! Let's play a game of cat-and-mouse!"

"Hey, calm down, calm down." He said, reaching out towards Wildstar.

"P-p-p-please don't eat m-m-me." Wildstar said, hiding behind the food item she had just tried, which he called a chip.

"Why would I do that?" He asked, confused. "I have no reason to"

"Because, y-you're a predator, and I'm a b-b-borrower..." Wildstar began.

The predator raised his hand, his eyes appeared to be closed. He sighed.

"Speak no further, I can sense your fear. Why are you scared?" He asked.

Wildstar looked up at him, scared and confused at why he hadn't tried to eat her.

"A-a-aren't you going to, you know, e-e-eat me?" She asked.

The predator looked shocked at her, then answered "no".

"Why?" Wildstar asked, a tear forming in her eyes. 

"Because, I have always been in awe with your kind, how smart, fast, and sometimes brave your kind is. I would never try to consume something that I could be related to through the process of evolution. That to me is like cannibalism." He said, rubbing his finger on Wildstar's back. 

She flinched, then calmed down when she recognized the way he stroked her, just like her father had when her parents were still alive. She began to purr, and the predator seemed to find it amusing.

"By the way, my name is Moonshine, what's yours, little one?" He said, looking at Wildstar's one gold and one orange eye.

"W-w-w-Wildstar." She said, yawning.

"That's a beautiful name, Wildstar." Moonshine said.

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