Chapter One.

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It had been a long, boring, and hot day in Los Angeles, California. I had absolutely nothing to do. I called my best friend, Troian. Yes, the Troian Bellisario is my best friend. Big deal. I typed her number into my phone and called. It rang exactly 3 times before she answered.

"Hey!" Troian said enthusiastically.

"Hey girl! What are you doing?" I was silently praying we could hang out.

"Nothing, Keegan's just over. We're bored though," she repiled. She'd told me about Keegan. They were close since they were together all the time.

"Can I come over? Jessica left me," Jessica was my 'housemate'. She was gone all the time. She even said she was planning on moving out.

"Yeah, sure! BRING NIKKI!" Nikki was my new corgi puppy I got a few weeks ago. Troian had only seen her in pictures, and wanted her to come over.

"Okay! We'll be there in 15," I said standing up from my bed.

"Alright! I'll see you then!" She hung up and I went to my closet to get dressed. Nikki kept running around my room, barking at who knows what. I swear that dog is mental. I finally decided on: . After I slipped my Converse on, I grabbed Nikki's leash, hooked it on to her collar, and started walking to Troian's. My God, California summers are seriously scorching. I moved here from Illinois 3 years ago, after Troian and I decided to get closer. I was 17 then, my parents were never sober enough to care what I did, so I just left. I stayed with Troian until I met Jessica, and she said I could live with her. But I actually spend more time with Troian then I do Jessica. I was at her front door, I just walked in, I always do.

"Hey girl!" I said unhooking Nikki's leash, releasing her.

"OH MY GOD! SHE'S SO CUTE!" Troian exclaimed, picking her up and cuddling her. I laughed, Troian always had a thing for animals. I looked over at her couch to see Keegan there, watching. I waved. He smiled and waved back.

"Oh! Keegan, this is my best friend Natalie. Nat, this is Keegan," she said introducing us. He stood up and walked toward me.

"It's nice to meet you," I said, holding my hand out for him to shake. He shook it.

"And it's an honor to meet you. Troian talks about you all the time," he stated, smiling.

"Troian.." I said concerned of what she may have told him.

"It was nothing bad or embarrassing," Troian called from her place on the floor. She was playing with Nikki.

"It wasn't, don't worry. I couldn't name one bad thing about you," Keegan replied, chuckling. He was really cute, and sweet from what I've heard and experienced. I giggled. I strolled over to her couch and plopped down.

"So Troian, are we going to do something today, or are you going to play with her dog all day?" Keegan questioned smirking and sitting next to me. When he sat down, his hand touched mine lightly, causing me to blush madly.  

"Hmmm, I don't know," Troian said standing up, "What do you guys want to do?" she sat down on the chair across from 

us. Nikki was rolling on her back on hardwood floor.  

"You guys wanna go for a walk?" Keegan suggested.  

"But that requires me having to look decent," Troian said. She had on sweatpants, a loose t shirt, and her hair was in a messy bun.  

"Aw, c'mon Troian. You look fine!" I said, sitting on her lap.  

"No. I'll stay here and watch the dog."  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2013 ⏰

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