One Shot

443 31 5

"Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy and a story about the murder and suicide of six people. Get over yourself."

Mathias choked on his drink trying not to laugh.


He glanced up to see his stoic friend peering at him suspiciously through thick frames.

"It's nothing," he chuckled.

The Swede continued peering at him though his glasses.

"Okay fine, you're boring as hell and I caught the tail end of the conversation behind me. No biggie."

Berwald rolled his eyes.

"You shouldn't be eavesdropping."

"I wasn't, I was just agreeing."

Berwald raised his eyebrow.

"That Romeo and Juliet is categorized as a tragedy for a reason."

This time Ber responded with a light chuckle.

"What," Mathias asked tilting his head.

The Swede pointed lazily behind his friend with his fork.

Mathias stiffened slightly before turning to see two teens with slightly bemused looks on their faces.

He chuckled awkwardly. "Sorry."

The silver blond waved him off.

"No need. I actually could use some backup in this argument," he said pointing towards his dark haired partner.

Noting that they both had singular eye color and were probably together, he nodded and gestured for the two to join their table.

As the vibrations of the chairs being moved died down, Berwald spoke up.

"I hope you know I stand by my opinion that Romeo and Juliet is a love story."

Mathias' eyes widened in surprise then he smirked.

"Oh you're going down Swede."

"But you have to remember, this was a very early time period. Way before soulmate Heterochromia iridium existed. They had no clue that they were soulmates or even if they were soulmates."

"But that's the beauty of it. They had no indicators that they were meant to be together but they still died for each other."

Emil and Berwald glared at each other over the table, heated electricity crackling between them.

"It's still a bad thing," Mathias said speaking up again, "that means that six people died in the span of what? A week? Two? Without knowing if Romeo was really in love or just lusting after a pretty-"

Someone cleared their throat loudly next to the table.

All four people looked up to see a pissed off blond with furrowed brows looking at them.

Emil spoke first.

"Oh, hi Lukas."

Lukas raised an eyebrow in a questioning manner.

Strangely Emil took it as if he asked an actual question.

"Oh we were just debating a literary analysis of Romeo and Juliet."

Lukas furrowed his eyebrows again and did a quick movement of his hand.

"Oh, uh."

Emil started moving his hands in the same manner, pausing every few seconds to remember what came next.

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