A friend of mine, said this would make a great rapping piece. So yeah. =]
Is it true
Is it real
What the world has come to
How sad this makes me feel
People fighting for
What they think is right
People blowing them selves up
And not giving up with out a fight
People getting killed
For being who they are
People getting tortured
For what the believe in
A young man dies
Because of drugs
Or shoots himself with a pistol
Because he thinks life sucks
Girls dropping out of school
To raise their own kids
Where is the father?
Seeing someone else
Kids with no possible future
Fathers with no jobs
Mothers trying to keep the family together
But gets lost in the fog
The fog that blurs their visions
The fog blinding their hopes and dreams
All for stupid reasons
Reasons that cause war
They can never have a normal life
A life with out the fog
Where is the justice
And what the hell ever happened
To being fair
Is it true
Is it real
What this world has come to
how shameful this makes me feel
This is unacceptable
This should stop
Let us stand through this together
till we drop
To make the world
A better place to live in
To make the world
A better place to be
So that peace spread overseas
So that hope and joy is what the future can see