Don't Let Me Go (Larry Stylinson One-Shot)

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Don’t Let Me Go

I couldn’t believe it. Why? Why was this happening to me? To us! Things were going so well!


Now you were standing right there in front of me

I hold on scared and harder to breath


“Why?” I croaked out after hours of crying.

He sighed and looked down for what seemed the 100th time since he said he wanted to talk.

“Why?” I asked again a bit louder but he didn’t look up “GODAMMIT LOUIS! IF YOU’RE DOING THIS CAN YOU AT LEAST HAVE THE GUTS TO LOOK AT ME IN THE EYES?” I shouted

He finally looked up and I could see his tears that were sliding down his cheeks “I can’t do this, Harry! I can’t do this anymore!” He cried

“Why now? It was all going great until you decided to fuck It up!” I cried

“It’s too hard!! I can’t take this! It’s all too much!” He insisted

“You’re the one who wanted to do it in first place!” I argued

“I didn’t think it’d get this hard” He cried

“And now I have to suffer because of YOUR mistake?!?” I asked frustrated

“I’m sorry!” He said

“No! You’re not! You fucked it up! Congratulations” You did it! I’m done!” I said getting up and sending the chair to the wall. I stormed out of the building despite his protests and into the street.


All of sudden these lights are blinding me

I never noticed how bright they would be


“Harry! Harry! Is it true?”

“Harry! Here!”

“Is it true that you are gay?”

“Are you really in love with your best friend and band mate?”

“How long have you been gay for?”

“Are you two getting married?”

Paps were shooting me with questions. I’d usually just ignore it but that last question made me even angrier. I turned towards the pap that had asked the question, my face red with anger. I snatched the mic he was holding out of the his hand.

“You know what? No! Me and Louis are not getting married! Not now not ever! Do you know why? It’s because when you get married there is something between you and your partner. Plus you two love each other more than anything. In my case, there is absolutely NOTHING between me and Louis. Nor I’ve never loved him in more than a friendly way. So fuck off!” I said angrily and shoved the mic on the pap’s hand. I turned around and ran towards his car.


I saw in the corner there is a photograph

No doubt in my mind it’s a picture of you


I looked at the picture in my hands letting the tears fall. It was a photo of our The X Factor time. I was sobbing by than, I shook my head and screamed all of my frustrations out. I got up and threw the picture on the wall shattering it. I screamed once more and fell on my knees sobbing. I walked towards the picture ignoring the glass that was all over the floor. I took it in his hands and looked at it again. My tears were falling on it as my sobs came back.

Don't Let Me Go (Larry Stylinson One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now