Two Minutes

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A pitch black essence oozed down the wall, starting from the tiniest corners of the ceiling before crawling across the the cracks, all in need of connecting, all in need to feel one, all in need to suffocate and become one with it's new host.

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't feel, I couldn't hear anything except for the loud ear piercing ringing that ran within my drums. It felt as if a drip, drip, drop of liquid tricked out of my ears and to what I assumed to be the essence that drove warning bells within any sane being's head: blood.

The dark essence began to ooze down more and more, growing ever closer to me.

My heart thumped with vigor, with each thump the more fear grew into trepidation, the more my mind began to slip from the tips of my fingers and shatter into insanity, the more my ears rung, the more my ears bled, the more my acidic stomach caught my heart, the more I could slowly feel this intense pressure sliding up my chest.

Though still, I laid in my bed unmoving, seeming as if my every being hadn't wavered at the mere thought of it all.

As the ooze trickled down increasingly evermore instead of disconnecting; it all still connected, covering my chipped brown paint that once cover my bland walls to the pitch black essence that shimmered under the moonlight.

I couldn't close my eyes (at least not that I was sure of it) but I hadn't dared to test such a theory for I am, indeed, unsure of the outcome.

I could feel the pressure claw further up my chest, now climbing up evermore past my breast, collarbone, and into my throat. It was all except for this ringing that for a moment allowed me to discern a distant gurgling resonate.

The ooze began to cover my whole room. It slipped into my bed, closer to me as tears streamed down my trembling face.

But before the essence could lick my skin, I could apprehend an anomalous over the loud rings within my ears. Albeit muffled, I reckoned they were voices.

Instinctively shutting my eyes in serene joy, my heart lurched for its host was to be saved soon. I was going to be able to grasp another lick of life once more just as my doctor had forbade.

Only two minutes left, two minutes of life, two minutes of my life to savor before I am shut within the endless infinite depths of oblivion. Every burning interval of two minutes I am pinned to the painful agitation of my own fate that devours my nerves little by little until there is naught.

"I-I have to check on her," lucidly, I deciphered the melodic frills of my mother's voice. "There's something wrong with that girl, she's not snoring."

"I'm sure she's fine."

"N-No," her voice struck with fear towards my father, only to be accompanied by his silence. "I-It'll only be brief. I just need to make sure that she's okay. What if it's time?"

The distant thump of their footsteps was heard, reverberating the ever closer before reaching to a small click of my door, gaping it open ajar...

"See? She is just fine."

That jubilation of utmost euphoria profligately demised, allowing fear to arise into consternation, starting from my stomach before rising up my chest as if it were bile.

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