Chapter 1

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As Jemma and Bridget walked across the soft golden sand, there mother called them in for lunch. "Mmmmm salmon sandwiches yum" Jemma said enthusiastically. There brother Sam was still playing around in the sparkling blue water obviously he didn't hear there mum call him. Bridget ran up to him and told him lunch was ready.

Their dad arrived later for dinner down at the beach they were celebrating guy Fawkes day . They were down there to watch the fire works off the pier. Jemma and Bridget couldn't wait till the fire works went on. They played in the water with there mum and dad, kayln the oldest one out of the kids came down as well . He was tired from work, he practically just flopped down on the sand but he accidentally fell on Sam's sandcastle, Sam got really mad.

The fire works started Jemma got a massive fright but then she just relaxed. She asked her mum if Bridget and her could go to the carnival that was on next to the beach. Her mum it was ok as long as the were back promptly before the after party. Jemma sprinted as fast as a cheater to the carnival tent. Bridget just lagged behind Because she really couldn't be bothered running. Although she did want to get there before the candy floss sold out. Bridget caught up eventually.

"What colour candy floss do you want, there's yellow which I guess is lemon, there is green,lime I guess and red is strawberry" Jemma said.

"I'll have strawberry" Bridget said, "Ok one strawberry and one lemon thanks" Jemma said to the candy floss lady, "that will be $1.00" she replied, "Thank you " Bridget said excited. They headed back to there mum.

"Your back just in time for the finally of the fire works" said there mum,"yay" they both said excitedly. The finally was brilliant there was purple colour fire works and blue, green mostly the colours of the rainbow. It was getting dark so they headed to the nearest pub for the after party ,the pub was crowded with people you could hardly move Jemma was so surprised on how she got through all the people. Bridget and Jemma just had fries and a drink while the adult's had roast pork and veggies.

Jemma's family went home at about 11:00. Which wasn't much of a surprise. They all had dessert then headed to bed.

The next morning Bridget woke up,she felt a little strange like something was out of place in her life. There was something touching her she looked around. It was just an ordinary bedroom she thought that was odd because she could of sworn she saw or felt something. "Oh well" Bridget said because she had given up. She walked down to the kitchen for breakfast her mum was down there making bacon and egg bagel.

"Thanks mum these are delicious" Jemma said." Glad you liked them,they are my guy Fawkes special",Bridget and Jemma went outside and played for awhile, after playing they got a bit tired,they headed inside to stay warm. It was a cold and wintery day. Their family was sitting beside the fire place.

Then suddenly there was a knock on the door, Bridget and Jemma were fighting over who should answer it, Jemma finally gave in and walked up to the door. Jemma walked up to the door a cold shiver went down her spine. She turned the door knob and opened it, it was just a shadow, she screamed. Her mum ran up to her she saw Jemma and then she saw shadow it moved towards her she was freaking out. Bridget came running to see what had happened,it was terrible to see what had happened ,her sister Jemma had fainted. Her mum hesitated to say "hello " to the shadow,it didn't respond but what it did do was punch Bridget in the face. It was painful for her there was a little bit of blood pouring on the ground. There mum just shut the door and called 111.

The ambulance came as fast as they could.

After about 1 hour Jemma woke up, she was so surprised when she noticed she was in a hospital, all she could remember was the shadow standing in front of her and that's all she could see. "Jemma are ok you passed out when you saw that shadow" her mum said. There was no reply because all Jemma could see was the shadow it was saying something to Jemma, a message Jemma couldn't quite understand. The message said" I am coming for you.... you will die..." Jemma felt a little bit more scared. She opened her eyes from the what she thought was a dream, she could see her mum and bridget standing beside her ,she was so glad to see them. "Are you ok sweetheart"said her worried mother,"yes I'm fine mum"she replied with a little shiver in her voice.

The doctor came in and said"I will just do another blood pressure test and she will be good to go" she said to Jemma's mum. Jemma and her mum felt more relaxed when they heard the news, Bridget went in to the what seemed to be a quite waiting room, she sat there and just twiddled her thumbs. There was a tap on her shoulder she looked around nothing there and she was like "stupid ghost" and as soon as she said that it appeared right in front of her, she nearly fainted but she kept calm. It was the ghost well Jemma calls it the mysterious shadow which is a brilliant name for it. She was wondering why the people around her weren't freaking out.

Jemma and her mum walked out of the room and the shadow disappeared into thin air. Her mum asked if everything was alright, she said it was perfectly fine she made it sound like something had happened. Which made matters worse because she asked what had happened she told her the whole little story on how the mysterious ghost turned up. She freaked out and so did Jemma Because it was coming to kill her on the 7th of July and today was the 5th.

They went home, they saw there dad walking home from work so we picked him up. He asked what we did today we said nothing much just hanging around doing nothing. We didn't want to tell him about what really happened. He would freak out if we did.

We got home and had tea,we had roast pork for tea it was delicious. Me and my sister headed up to my bedroom to play naughts and crosses I won the first round while Bridget won the last few rounds."we will tell nothing to dad about what happened today ok" Jemma said meaningly,"Ok I swear I will say nothing" Bridget said . "Good now lets go and get dessert"said Jemma, they headed down to get there dessert which was lemon meringue pie. It was delicious as Sam described it but it was more like super duper yummy as Jemma said, which is practically the same thing if you get my drift.

Bedtime, Jemma and Bridget were a bit scared to go to bed because of what could happen. They fell a asleep just at a click of the fingers,no wonder because they had a tiring day. Sam was still awake he was reading a book When suddenly, there was a shadow in front of him he got such a fright that he jumped out of bed, he didn't scream he just gave a little shriek so that he wouldn't wake anyone up. The shadow then disappeared but it disappeared with his book but funny enough the book was about a boy that always reads books and one night a ghost come and took his book. Which crept him out even more.

In the morning he told everyone the story, the only one that new that was true was Jemma, because at the end of that message she saw at the hospital said at the end the boy with the powerful book, I shall take. A shiver went down Jemma's spine ,and only she new that Sam were to die tonight. She had to go on like that wasn't going to happened. The family noticed her blankness and asked what was wrong she said nothing.

Which was a complete lie , but she was going to say nothing. They sat by the fire,as it was another wintery day.

Bridget and Jemma were playing a game of Chinese checkers, they found it fun. They then had lunch, for lunch was a hamburger.

After that Jemma started making chocolate chip muffins. Bridget decorated them with hearts and flowers. When they had finished making them they put them on a sparkly blue tray and served them to there parents.They ate them and said they were delicious. Jemma walked up to Sam and said he shouldn't of told the family especially dad because he doesn't know. Sam said"I forgot that dad didn't know","well be careful next time" said Jemma.

They headed back to the lounge,suddenly a parade of skeletons walked into there living room they kept calm as they knew it was just a joke,but it wasn't. Bridget's started getting dreary and sleepy as one of the skeletons walked up to her, she collapsed in Jemma's arms. Then the whole family except for Jemma, Sam and kayln that just walked in the door, he know anything that had happened because he had been on university camp. He froze like ice when he saw the skeletons. Jemma also froze because she new this was real.

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