"Sammy! We gotta go, come on!" Mom yelled from my Aunt Sylvia's dark green mini-van.
I said one last goodbye to our old house, then pulled my white baseball cap over my eyes and slowly walked to the car. Mom got a new job with better pay, which is great except for one small detail: it's overseas.
Ever heard of Wellington, New Zealand? Besides the fact that's where Lord of the Rings was filmed I had never heard, or cared, about it. I should count my blessing though, at least we're moving to a place that speaks English.
Earlier I had said goodbye to my friends. Nikki, my best friend, swore she would call and text and skype me whenever possible, even if the time zones were vastly different. My closest friends; Nikki, Jake, Jeff, max, Sid, and Mads (Madi); threw me a party last night to have one last memory.
Goodbye Buffalo, New York, I though as I got in the car and we drove to the airport.
It was just me and my mom moving. I was an only child and my dad ran out on us before I was born. My aunt Sylvia was the only family we had, and she was the best. She did everything she could to help us out. I was going to miss everyone, but I tried to be optimistic: I was getting a fresh start (not that I needed one). We said our goodbyes outside of the airport.
Aunt Sylvia hugged me tightly, "You'll be okay, girl. Just be yourself and show 'em what you're made of!" I nodded; a tear fell down my cheek. "Rachel, you take care, okay?" she said as she hugged Mom.
They both cried for a full minute and then we parted ways and walked into the airport itself. The ticket lady gave me a weird look as I stood before her. I was wearing a sage t-shirt, baggy camo pants, white Puma tennis shoes, a white baseball cap, and multiple and multiple scrapes and scars that were visible from skateboarding. She probably was making assumptions about me and my medium length red hair (natural of course) with black tips and black underneath. I stared back at her and took my ticket.
Mom and I made our way to the terminal and got into the plane. I took the window seat and she sat next to me.
"Are you nervous?" Mom asked and squeezed my hand.
"My life as I know it is over and it's a new beginning," I said bluntly, "If I wasn't nervous you should be worried."
She smiled and I put in the airplane headphones to listen to music.
I guess now is as good a time as ever to give a short biography. I was born Samantha Jameson Wilkes. Why my middle name is the name of Irish whiskey I do not know. I was born and raised in Buffalo, New York and lived in the same house my whole life. My father was never there. Mom says I have his eyes and hair. She has blonde hair and brown eyes, but our faces look similar. Ever since I was a little girl I've loved skateboarding. I got my first skateboard at the age of seven. I've never been very girly; always been "one of the guys". Most of my friends are guys; Nikki and Mads are my only female friends, but they're just like me. I've had one boyfriend, but I ended it and never dated again. I'm 17 and a junior. Oh, and my life is about to be whisked into an adventure I could only dream about.
good? :D the pic is of Sam...darn her hairs too short :P
VampireSam Wilkes. Call her your average American skater girl if you want. Her life is completely altered when her mother gets a better job in Wellington New Zealand and they are forced to move away from all she's ever known. She makes friends with two cha...