Welcome to my Abnormal Life (Preface)

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The shaking began, vibrating my body from head to toe. I layed face down gripping the edges of my bed hoping that it would pass like it always did. But it didnt. When the heatwave consumed my body it took me by suprise. That has never happend before. Whats happening to me? The heat became unbareable I let out a  wretched scream, I heard my bed frame rattling to peices. Finaly the shaking broke into semi-controlled spasms. Its over. Its finaly stopping.

I released a long shakey breath. Filled with releif i began to climb out of my bed, two steps away  I fell to the floor engulfed in pain. I released another painfilled yell, then there was a loud sound by the end of my fit. A terrible ripping filled the room....Black began to consume my vision, then there was nothing... Why?

No sound. No vision. No smell. Just hunger and the pull of something amazing, somethng that was mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2011 ⏰

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