Chapter 1: Already Alone

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Hayley's POV
I was sitting on the couch alone with no tv or anything. I woke up and I was alone. Nobody was home not even the dogs. I can't even find the remote.

"We're home." Annie said walking in and putting her gym bag down she sounded upset

"Are you okay?" I asked still confused. She rolled her eyes and walked upstairs

"Annie come grab your gym bag." Mommy said picking up Annie's pink sparkly gym bag.

"Can I go to Livs." She asked with a pouty face

"Yeah or course." Mommy smiled and grabbed the camera

"Can I go?" I asked going to Annie

"NO! Please no." Annie yelled pouting

"Sorry Hayley maybe next time." Mommy said turning on the camera and pointing it at me

"Hey guys, so Hayley is not really doing anything now?"

"Where's Caleb?" I asked playing with my nails

"Baseball with daddy."

"What about the dogs?"

"There out right now."

"Okay." I smiled and put on my shoes

"I'm going outside."

"Okay be safe." She said and walked upstairs with Annie

"Let's see what Annie's doing today." I sighed and walked outside. I ran around playing with nothing enjoying the air. This made me happy and it helped me feel less alone. Annie walked outside

"Can you play with me?." I asked 

"No Hayley I'm leaving with Liv."

"What about me?"

"Play with your barbies or whatever!"

"No I wanna be with you."

"Well I don't wanna be with you!" She said and slammed the door shut. I sat down on the deck and looked at the water

"All I want is a friend."

First chapter of book, I hope you liked. 😊

Left out and alone • BratayleyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin