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*Liams POV*

"Niall get out of the way mate!

I want to see the freaken beach house already!"

Louis yells at poor Niall from the  back row of the suburban. Niall, who is sitting in the middle row inbetween me and Harry covers his ears from Louis loud screams.

Harry turns around and gives Louis a crazy look but ends up laughing at Lou's immaturity.

"Louis calm your titts it's just a

beach house"

  I say as i shove Louis bum out of my face and out through the window.

"Louis,thats dangerous." A  sleepy voice says from the back seat.

"Sleeping beauty finally awakens boys" Niall announces

half of Louis body hangs from the window. Harry then slaps his bum and Louis abrubtly turns around and screams

"Who did that?!

*Harry chuckles*

"Harry you need to stop doing those type of things! People are going to begin to think we are gay!" Louis yells 

"Sorry...but They already do." Zayn says inbetween a yawn.

Louis knocks at the back window which is darkly tinted where zayn is sitting and sticks his tounge out at him even if he cant see him and says

"Have adventures once in a while ZAYNEPOOH! Dont be so glumed out!"

"Don't call me that." Zayn simply hisses at Lou,

god he's a cranky pants when he wakes up but today he's pissed.

"I want to get out" Zayn hands me 5 bucks and tells Harry to move.He jumps over the seat smothly propping open the door for himself and dissapers into the back of the beach house.

"Need any more cash?"Harry asks me already getting off the suburban

"Nah,got it"

Harry nods and waves goodbye to the driver

Louis screams again and extends his arms like he's a superhero falling onto the sandy ground...

"Im ok, no need to worrie mates!" He quickly gets up brushing off the sand from his white t-shirt

I then roll my eyes and pull out my wallet to pay the poor man who drove us here,I mean he had to handle a 2 hour drive and to top it, with Louis and Niall's constant descusions...about whatever they constantly argue about.

I Pay the driver

"Liam,can i please have 5 dollars...please,mate"Niall snatches my wallet rummaging through it

"....sure, go ahead.mate" i look at him as he pulls out 7 dollars and i protest

"hey hey! you said 5 only!"

"taxes" he says as if it obious "thanks Liam,i'll pay back when i can"

"sure you will" I sigh and get off the car saying thank you to the driver, the man leaves quickly

Louis is Running and shouting nonsence at every palm tree and everything around him,clearly he is excited..Now hes spinning in circles.

Zayn i believe is lighting a fag outside on the porch close to the shore. Alone. Zayn has been really quiet for a while now, i think him and Perrie had an argument. But i think they will go through, they really Care for each other.

Harry is indoors with our bodyguard Paul aswell as Niall and Louis has cared to join them.

Im walking bare footed at the beach.The sun is bright and shinny today,the water almost clear.Perfect place to relax.

Ive been having more time alone now that me and Dani are over. And i really like the privacy this beach has.No fans (not that we don't want you,we just need our space.) No pappz. I feel like a normal person.Almost

Oh crap i almost forgot! Paul told us a niece of hers was coming to stay with us in the beach house.He clearly said not to be late when she came over at 5pm .I look at my watch 5:30pm flickers on.Im late!

I turn around and i try speed walking back.Then as I do, I see this girl,right infront of me who is running ahead. She has long brown hair.Thin and petite.She looks very beautiful..well atleast from behind.

Im going up to her now.

*End of Liams P.O.V*
Decided to post this,although I wrote it over a year...
I see no future with honestly..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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