27 ~ VICTORY!!!

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A/N: 27th chappie! We're coming close to a special. This story is going longer that I thought... I might have to combine some chapters what I'm done. OOK dedication to SewingFashionista, thxs for the votes! And I think that's it... to the story!!! Oh Wait!! Thank you guys soooo much for 4.9k views! Even though I'm not that great of a writer you guys still gave me votes and continued to read. That means so much to me!

Ron P.O.V

It had been about two weeks since I had attempted to kiss Hermione. I didn't see her with Draco as often but I was %100 percent sure that they were sneaking off somewhere.

All I've done was mope about. Ginny never talked to me, Harry rarely did. Life was a mess, all cause' I kissed the one I loved.

I groaned and got out of bed to head for breakfast

I reached the Great Hall and sat at the very edge of the table all alone. I glanced around. Nobody was looking at me. Or at least avoiding my eye sight.

"Hey, Psst!" I whispered to the guy next to me, "What's today?"

The guy quickly looked at me

"Saturday." He then grabbed his plate got up and hurried away

I rolled my eyes this has got to stop!

Even people who I didn't even know were trying to avoid me.

I scowled taking another bite before glancing up from my food.

There caught in the action again, they were in no way subtle.

I watched as Hermione was leaving the great Hall and Malfoy followed behind her slipping a piece of paper into her hand before scurrying off.

I scowled losing my appetite. I got up disposing of my food before dragging along to my dorm.

I spent the day sulking and lazying around. I took too long to make a move on her.. Now I was losing her to Malfoy. My most hated enemy in the entire wizarding world.

I was sitting on a bench doing nothing. Literally nothing at all.

Nobody ever wanted to hang with me anymore. Lavender hadn't talked to me.. Though I didn't care much. And I didn't have anyone to accompany me to Gringotts.

Suddenly I saw Granger heading towards what looked like the GreenHouse. What time was it? I wondered glancing at my muggle watch. 6:57p.m.

I took this as my chance and nearly ran to her side reading for her wrist.

"Hermione!" I said swiveling her around

At first she looked surprised then annoyed.

"Ron what are you doing? I have someplace to be." She sighs

"I needed to talk to you. I had to.... Oh Hermione you don't understand the half of it." I cried scrunching my eyebrows nearly begging her to give me a chance.

She throws her hands up, "Enlighten me then. What in the world were you trying to prove?"
She scowl obviously exasperated

"I was trying to prove that I love you!" I shout not being able to hold it any longer

She pauses her lips slightly parted as if she had no words to say, "Ron.... What are you doing to yourself? To me? You...' She hesitated 'You knew I loved you but you stayed with Lavender. Ron your too late." She sighs

"Hermione I refuse to believe that." I say taking her hands, "I made a huge mistake and I know that now. But if you would please just give me a chance." I say genuinely sorry

Her eyebrows furrow, "Ronald...."

I take my hand sliding her hair behind her ear, "Mione' please" I whisper resting my hand on her cheek.

"I-I." She replies in a whisper

I take the chance and lean forward allowing myself the pleasure of her kiss. And to my surprise she didn't pull away.

I leaned into the kiss bringing my other hand to her neck kissing deeper. When I feel her kissing back. I relax into the kiss feeling joy run through my no longer tense body.

After what seems like years I pull away before staring into her eyes.

"I knew you still felt something.." I smile before giving her hand one last squeeze, before returning to the building.


Hermione P.O.V

I had no idea what had just happened, but I did know one thing. I enjoyed it.

And I hated myself for it. Right at this moment I was headed to see-

I lost my train of thought, there standing not far off was Draco Malfoy holding a bouquet of flowers.

We were supposed to meet at 7:00 in the GreenHouse. A feeling of dread washed over me.

He had seen it all. He saw the kiss

A/N: There is no excuse for this long of a break... Sorry?

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