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Drugs. Never have I thought that I would condone myself in this kind of activity. Never have I thought that an a and b honor roll student such as myself would ever become to like the feeling of being sedated from this monstrosity of a world.

Life. Never have I given any thought to it or the meaning it represents. Now that I have thrown it away what can it mean besides death and destruction.

That's all I know. That's all I can be.

I guess thats why I am here now drugs spread out on the sink counter of my apartment and taking in shallow breaths at a time, fighting an inner battle with myself debating on whether to live or die. It's not that I want to kill myself or anything judging by the amount of drugs that are in my body from the past 2 years I already made that decision.

It's just the fact that this new drug I was given by that chick Penelope is so tempting.

To say I have been trying to get clean is an understatement.

I have only gone four days without drugs and this bitch decided to drop this off at my door like it wasn't bad enough that the LSD under my bed isn't tempting enough she goes and pulls this shit. She knows I have been trying. Shit she is the reason for my slip last month.

God all I need is a fucking sign something to help me quit. I thought my mom would be enough motivation but she left me to figure my own shit out 3 years ago. She's particularly one of the reasons why I am on this shit in the first place. I don't even know who the hell my dad is. He could be anyone in this shit hole of a city.

Looking up at myself in the dingy mirror I noticed how my hair clung to my face and my eyes were intensely red.

"Just one more thats all I needed. Just one more and I would stop forever."

No! God I keep doing this to myself I say this shit and take one, one turns into 4 and 4 turns into me passing out and almost od-ing.

I barely even noticed my hand inching closer and closer to the new drug. I didn't even stop myself I couldn't anymore I needed it I needed this high so bad right now.

I almost dropped the drug down the drain due to my phone blaring in my pocket playing that obnoxious ringtone. This time I actually thanked the lord for it. I would have surely taken the drug and ruined my oh so long streak.

Grabbing my phone from my pocket I answered it without looking at the I.D a habit I have got to learn to break.

"Hello?" My voice came out more raspy then expected causing me to cough into the speaker.

"For christ sakes dude next time move the phone when you do that shit!"

Oliver King. I knew that voice from anywhere he has been my buddy since my 10th year of high school. He's not a druggie like me but he is my only support when it comes to stopping. He gets me sometimes when he's not being a total idiot.

"Sorry man I haven't been feeling well."

"You haven't been taking anything right?" He asked in a hushed voice. He's been more serious now that I have been trying to quit. It's like a breath of fresh air to know someone actually cares. But to be judged is like going on a rampage you never know when it will stop.

Sighing I replied,"No, but it's getting harder and harder each day without it. Especially when that chick that works for Niall brung me that new drug I ordered before I decided to get clean. I told his ass to cancel it and keep the money but he still sent that bitch over here. It pisses me off when people don't listen." I knew I was getting myself worked up and that never turned out good. I always ended up trashing my place then downing a bottle of vodka for no apparent reason but to get buzzed.

"Calm do..."

"DON'T....Don't tell me to calm down alright just don't," I knew how this conversation would end. Me drinking and taking drugs and that disappointed feeling I feel and see from Oliver. I knew I had to calm down but hearing someone say it just pisses me off. No one tells me what to do I need to make my own decisions right now. I need to clear my head.

"Alright, just try taking in a deep breath slowly and breathing out even slower,"

"Don't tell me......." I mumbled through clenched teeth only to be cut off by his booming voice.

"Just Do It."

I looked up at myself in the mirror and looked in my eyes. They were a deep brown matching my pale and boney skin. I closed my eyes and did as he said. As I did so I pictured myself as someone else. Someone with a life worth living. I pictured everything I would never have. Everything that I knew I couldn't reach the status of. This image was my own personal high a high I knew that could never be reached. A high that showed me a future I never deserved. This high was not a high that any drug could take me or anyone for that matter. This is the high I have wanted for years.

To be someone.

"How are you feeling man?" His words brought me back to reality opening my eyes and looking at the counters full of unopened drugs I realized that this is me and I'm the only person who can stop what is me.

"Honestly, like shit."

"Well that's a start," I couldn't help the laugh that slipped out of my mouth. Only Oliver can turn something so devastating into something so hilarious. At least it's funny in my twisted mind.

"You need to get laid bro. No offense but you need something to get your mind off of it. Sitting in that apartment is only gonna tempt and pressure you into messing up your streak." Only he could say something like getting laid and turn it into something so inspirationally true. On one hand he is right but on the other some chick isn't going to take my mind off of it forever. Tomorrow I'm just going to be thinking about the same shit all over again. I guess there's no point in denying I need to get out of this hell hole before I go insane.

"Where are we going Oliver King?"


Errrr first time writing a book. Hope it was worth your while haha and I hope you will stay tuned and join me on this journey with Daniel. Let me know what you thought send me a message anything is welcomed. All I ask is that there is no plagiarism with my story and all honest comments. There are about 20-25 chapters in every story that I come up with and I always try to keep everything short and suspenseful. Just for convenience that chapters aren't too late. I know this is a kind of long paragraph but if you have made it this far CONGRATULATIONS! Anyways thanks for reading I'll be sure to post another chapter when I have gotten a well enough crowd of people. Alrighty see you soon! 😘❤

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