One Direction One Shots & Imagines

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Imagine. . . . . . . .

You and Niall are on your first date. He told you to dress casually but refused to tell you where you were going. About an hour later after you are finished getting ready, Niall picks you up in his blue mini cooper. The entire drive there you two are laughing at his terrile jokes and singing along to the radio. When you finally arrive at the destination, you start grinning like an idiot. It was the carnival and you haven't been to the carnival in years.

You guys walk hand in hand for awhile, inspecting each game and ride. "OOH! Niall!! Can you win me that?!" You point to the large fluffy panda that is almost as big as you, jumping up and down excitedly. He chuckles and walks over to the burly man at the game stall.

The man hands Niall a large hammer and walks him through the steps of the game. Niall nods his head and raises the hammer, using all of his force as he slams it onto the pad. The needle bounces up gently and you hold in your laughter.

Niall blushes as the man points to his score. He got 'TOUGH LITTLE MAN', which was merely five feet above the ground. Embarrassed, Niall hands you a small stuffed teddy bear and you smile, giving him a peck on the cheek.

"You tried, babe. That's all that matters to me." He gives you a half smile and drags you to the ferris wheel. The line was short and you both board a gondola together. As the ride moved upward, you could tell Niall was getting more nervous by the second. He gripped your hand and kept his eyes on you the entire time.

Just as the ride was reaching its peak, the gondola stopped moving. You bit your lip as Niall clenched your hand tightly.

"Ya know," you began to say, "Nothing is going to happen to you while your with me..." You say with a light blush on your cheeks, looking deep into his eyes.

"I know.... I'm just scared of heights." He confesses to you.

You then realize you need to do something to get his mind off the matter. You find yourself glancing down at his lips and then back into his bright blue eyes again. He notices to and starts to lean in. Unknowingly, you begin to lean in too until finally your lips meet his.

It was a passionate kiss, definitely better than any other you've had. You pull away reluctantly and start smiling like an idiot like earlier that day, as was he.

"Now Niall, everytime you're a little frightened. Whether with heights, on stage, or anything, remember our first kiss. Right here, right now. It will work every time."

"Okay, but I'm holding you against that." He answered, pecking you on your cheek.

The ride begins to move again and you sit there sneaking discreet glances at one another.

You end up staying together for the rest of your lives and soon have nine kids (;


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2013 ⏰

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