Why Harry Potter is BETTER Than Twilight

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1. Hermione is a strong, intelligent, girl while Bella is like a dependent  child.

2. Better plot.

3. In Twilight, only the 'bad' people die. Harry Potter is much more realistic, and nobody is fully bad or good."We all have light and dark within us," Sirius Black.

4. Meyer got the idea for Twilight  in a dream. "It does no good to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" Albus Dumbledore has spoken!

5. Seriously, a vampire WITHOUT FANGS!?

6. Harry Potter appeals to kids and adults while Twilight only appeals to teenagers.

7. Bella Swan is ugly and dependent.

8. Vampires are NOT supposed to sparkle, but girls apparently LOVE this.

9. Bella falls in love with the first guy she sees, and actually calls is 'love'.

10. Everyone has a right to their opinion like I have mine so don't call me out people!

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