Chapter 1

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Picture of Beth at the side -------------------------------->

"Ting ting ting ting ting ting ting."

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. It was already 6 am and I immediately stood up from my cozy bed. I quickly grabbed my telescope from my bedside table and instantly went to my nearest window. "It's time for him to wake up too," I whispered to myself.

I carefully open my curtains to have a full view of his apartment. About half a minute, I noticed a perfect silhouette forming behind his wide glass window, which is enough for me to have a glimpse at some parts in his room. My lips unconciously formed a curve which then turned into a small smile upon seeing the tall figure 20 feet away from me.

"Good morning beautiful," I murmured to myself wishing he would hear me from afar.

There he was, with his perfect messy morning hair that only looks good on him. I can't help but quietly admire his ruffled chocolate hair and mesmerizing dark brown eyes as they reflected through the sunlight. He started doing his morning routine which I honestly memorized well already.

I suddenly positioned myself ready for stretching as he did the same thing. I watched over as his perfectly toned body do some push ups. I didn't even think about blinking for a second as I adore him doing his morning exercise.

After few minutes of working out, he stayed still on his couch with his cute little puppy in his lap. Now that I think of it, I have never ever been jealous to a puppy in my entire life. I can't help but chuckle a bit as his lips formed a sweet and genuine smile while cuddling with his puppy.

Minutes passed when he disappeared shortly from where he was sitting before. I knew right then that he was in the shower that time and I also made my way to the bathroom. 

Not too long since I get fully dressed with my warm sweater that has care bears on it, I straightly went back to my window to check him out, as creepy as it sounds. His model-like figure abruptly appeared on my sight making me almost swoon. As always, he has this most gorgeous face that every girl would fall for. He was just wearing a simple gray shirt that fits perfectly on him, a pair of jeans, and a pair of converse. I even wonder how he could pull off that simple look in an effortless way.

He then went over to his coffee table to grab himself a cup of warm coffee and some toasted bread with nutella on it. What makes him more relaxing and peaceful to watch is that, he also has a book with him! He has been reading The Fault in our Stars by no other than John Green for three days now. I actually freaked out at first because that book is seriously my favorite book, like ever. Anyway, I bite my toasted bread as he bites his. I sip on my coffee as he sips on his. I glance on my book as he also glances on his.

The moment he took the last sip of his coffee, he hurriedly walked through his other table to grab his backpack and carry his adorable puppy one last time before he left for school at exactly 8 am.

I watched him disappeared slowly as he made his way through the door. "Have a great day at school," I hopelessly whispered and waved at him as if he noticed my existence.

There you have it, I'm Beth, a professional stalker as what I'd like to call myself. Well basically, this is what I do every morning. Peeking and admiring that gorgeous boy since the day he moved in, in front of my apartment. The worst thing is, for the past months that I've been stalking him, I still don't know his name.

The Cute Guy NextdoorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon