A Boring Man

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It was a bright and sunny day in the gated community of Tulip Town. The houses lay in a row, one as ordinary as the next. One house was just like the rest, this house like all the others had a nice lawn, and a nice car parked in the driveway. It has flowers and hedges trimmed and groomed to perfection. The neighbors never wondered about the man in this house because he never gave them a reason too. He was quiet, polite and normal. The man that lives in this house has a loving mother, a beautiful fiancé, but still his life remained boring. He had a boring job, a boring car, a boring wardrobe, and an overall boring life. During this vibrant and cheerful day. He awakes like any other day. His routine is like the rest of us, some teeth brushing, breakfast, quick shave and finally off to get the newspaper. As he walks toward the end of his walk way to get the paper he begins to whistle a song to himself. He notices a neighbor and they wave, out of politeness he waves and smiles that striking white smile back at them and continues with his day. He walks back to his door when he closes it he remembers to lock the three locks and the dead bolt before he hears a noise. A light rustle is heard like something is moving around. He stops for a moment to try and figure out where this strange noise is coming from. With caution he walks towards the back door, he double checks that the four locks are locked. Then the rustle is heard again this time louder. He looks towards the basement door and listens. He is now sure that the basement is housing this noise. He touches the handle but it is locked. Silly him, he forgot to unlock it. He fumbles with his keys for a minute. He finally finds the right one, and unlocks the lock slowly. Now the rustle begins to be shaky in volume. He searches for the light switch, when found he attempts to turn it on but it seems to be broken. Just to be sure he flips the switch a couple times. Nothing happens. Since he has by now memorized the steps he continues, scared almost of what is to come. In a rush to get down the stairs he nearly falls. He lets out a sigh of relief and thinks to himself "what a close one." When he reaches the cold basement floor he looks around but avoids the door where the noise must be coming from. The basement is dark, the windows are covered and boarded up to forbid any natural light from entering. The room is filled with book cases, old books mostly. Some medieval torture history books, a few text books that look to be from a student. Along with text books and history books there are ones filled with witchcraft and curses. On the dark wooden desk lays a girl's makeup bag, some cat earrings and a hair brush covered in gems. The noise is now demanding to be heard, it is raising its volume asking him to find it. He stares at a door across from him. He is sure that is where he must go. He waits as if the door will open up on its own. It doesn't. Yet he waits a second longer just in case. He slowly approaches the door. As he puts his shaky hand on the handle he feels a jolt of excitement. This jolt forces him to turn the knob and press the door open. When he sees what is behind the door it brings a very large smile to his face. It was a shocked and amazed smile. It was the smile of a child in a candy store.

He slowly approaches the center of the room and says to himself "Oh hello there number ten, I hope all that noise you were causing was because you were dreaming of me." In a quick motion he glides next to her and places one of his hands on her shoulder and the other caresses her cheek. She awakens startled. Her eyes are filled with fear, they start to glisten like a jewel as she looks up at him. He sees something much different in her eyes, it is not fear he sees but want. He believes that she wants the pain and torture. He stares at her and says "I almost forgot about you," with a crooked smile resting on half his face, he continues "I'm very glad we get to spend a little bit more time together." A haunting breath escapes from his toothy grin that send shivers down her spine. She thinks about what breath used to be and none that she could think of were ever this cold. He turns his back to her and faces a cd player he glides his hand around it. Waiting for the suspense to build up, after a moment he is satisfied with the uncomfortable silence that has taken over both of them He presses play and Mozart begins to play. The happy tune fills him with joy as he smiles and steps in time with the music. He twirls a little enjoying himself. He picks up a pair of blood stained scissors and turns to her. He moves slowly toward her, he goes behind her and starts to clip her hair to shoulder length. She flinches at every snip of the scissors. After he is satisfied he collects the hair and places it in a jar labeled "10" and places it on a shelf next to nine others. He stares at her a moment.

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