kissing Harry Potter

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The wooden stairs creaked under Harry's feet.
"Shh, moron!" Ron's head turned to look up at the boy behind him, and scold him in a hushed tone. Harry covered his mouth so he wouldn't giggle loudly.
"Sorry, Ron." Harry said as he followed the redhead down the stairs and into the kitchen. Ron opened up the fridge, the light from his wand illuminated his face as he peered inside. Harry begins to open and close cabinets "Where do you keep the bloody cookies in your house?" He frowns as with every opened door he finds pots, pans, and other general kitchen supplies.
"Pantry." Ron says as he grabs a bottle of pumpkin juice and a can of whipped cream.
"No butterbeer?" Harry looks up at his best friend who shakes his head.
"Nothing but more pumpken juice left in there." Ron sets the bottle and whipped cream down. Harry retrieves cookies from the pantry. "Anything else?"
"Nah, let's go." Harry says and they trail back up the stairs. As they turn the corner in the dark hall, Harry stumbles and drops the cookies.
"Ron?" Molly Weasley croons in a sleep riddled voice. Harry picks up the pack of cookies and they dash into Ron's room closing the door behind them.
"Quick, quick! Get in your bed!" Ron says. The two boys hurriedly tuck themselves in and pretend to be asleep.
The door creaks open and Mrs Weasley stands with her hands on her hips.
"What's all the noise?" She asks.
"I got up to use the bathroom. I tripped on the way in." Ron says trying to sound just as tired as she was. She stands in the doorway and examines the room. "You boys clean up in the morning, ok?" She asks. Ron answers her and she leaves. Once the boys hear her door close they sit back up and look at each other before exchanging a high five. Ron sits next to Harry. Ron opens the cookies and takes the whipped cream, applying a generous amount to his cookie before shoving it in his mouth, getting some whipped cream on his nose without noticing.
"You've got something on your nose." Harry says through a mouth full of cookie. Ron reaches up to brush it off, only spreading it to his cheek. Harry rolls his eyes.
"Really?" Harry raises an eyebrow.
"What?" Ron laughs. Harry leans over, trailing his tongue along Ron's cheek slowly. Ron's face heats up. "Harry!" He exclaims surprised, using his shirt to wipe his face.
"Hm?" Harry asks as he focuses on making and cookie-sandwich.
"That was almost a kiss." Ron looks down. Harry drops his cookie master piece into his mouth. He chews thoughtfully. Harry reaches for the bottle of pumpkin juice and takes a long swig, when he's finished he hands it to Ron who takes a sip then laughs, covering his mouth to keep the juice in. "What?" Harry asks.
"That was an indirect kiss." Ron answers after he smiles.
"Yeah it bloody was, wasn't it?" The boys laugh.
"Well, fuck." Ron takes another drink.
"Would that be weird?" Harry's green eyes look at Ron's lips for a while. Ron can feel his freckled cheeks grow red.
"What? If we kissed?" He looks away from Harry.
"Yeah." Harry answers kind of quietly.
"Well, it'd be pretty fucking weird. Yeah, it'd be weird." Ron determined, even though he's not certain about his answer. He finally turns back to Harry who's already looking at him.
"Have you ever even been kissed before?" Harry asks him.
"Yeah I sort of kissed a girl before" Ron shrugs.
"Who?" Harry leans his back against Ron's bed.
"Hermione." Ron whispers tilting his head as he looks at Harry.
"Realy? When?"
"when she was staying the night here last year before school started. She doesn't know I did it so please don't tell her."
"I won't." Harry brings his knees to his chest.
"Have you been kissed?" Ron asks.
"Yeah." Harry says, a smirk spreads across Ron's face.
"Fucking liar." Ron points and laughs at Harry. Harry frowns and smacks the pointing finger away.
"I have!" Harry folds his ams.
"By a girl?" Ron raises an eyebrow. Harry's face stops frowning and he looks serious.
"No." Harry says, Ron's jaw hangs open.
"You kissed a dude? And you didn't tell me?"
"I was kind of embarrassed." Harry admits, running his fingers through his brown hair.
"Because it was a guy." Harry shrugs. Ron brings his knees to his chest as well.
"Are you gay now?" Ron rests his chin on his knees.
"I don't think so." Harry is honest in his answer.
"Do you still like boobs?"
"Love em." The boys laugh. Ron chews on his bottom lip thinking of another question to ask Harry. "What did it feel like?" Ron turns his face to look at Harry, Harry is looking down at his hands but picks his head up to look Ron in the face.
"You really wanna know?" Harry's eyebrow goes up.
"Yeah." Ron waits for Harry to say something. Harry crawls forward towards Ron on his hands and knees. Soon, their faces are inches apart. Ron's heart feels like it's stopped beating all together.
"Harry..." Ron says once Harry has tilted his head and is even closer to Ron now. Harry's warm breath hits Ron's cheek as he exhales before finally touching his lips to Ron's. Before the redhead has even gotten his senses together to feel the contact, Harry moves away sitting on his bottom again apart from Ron. Ron's jaw is hanging open again. His thoughts are spiraling in his head. Harry is first to break the silence.
"Well?" Harry's shoulders go up then shrug back down. Ron sputters a few syllables but no words form.
"What just-" Ron finally begins but Harry cuts him off.
"How was it?" Harry asks, blushing as he bites his lip in anticipation.
"I...?" Ron thinks. "I didn't feel anything." He says. Harry bursts out laughing.
"I wasn't expecting you to feel the spark and fall madly in love. I was just asking if it felt nice." Harry's head tilts back in full hearted laughter. Ron's face forms a frown.
"I fucking knew what you meant, asshole! I mean I didn't even fucking feel the kiss! It was like two seconds. I grasped nothing from the experience!" Ron spews angrily at Harry. Harry raises his hands out in front of himself, shielding as if it would keep Ron's yells from reaching him.
"Ok, ok, geez. Bloody hell." Harry lowers his hands. "Want to go again?"
"What?" Ron asks, the question catches him off guard.
"Do you want to kiss, again? Harry says this time with some added emphasis.
"No" Ron answers dryly.
"Ok." Harry shrugs and reaches for Ron's chess set. Ron goes with it though he doesn't really want to play. Ron would usually chat with Harry while playing, but he was quiet this time. However he was watching every one of Harry's moves. When Harry's lips would curve into a smile, or when Harry would bite his lip in thought. He especially paid attention to the moments where Harry's tongue would move over his lips to wet them. Thankfully, Harry didn't seem to notice him staring.
"Ron, you pleb." Harry angrily sat back to the floor. The redhead finally came out of his focus on Harry's lips.
"What?" He asks.
"You weren't even moving At all. I mean do you bloody want to play? Did you decide that you suck so much so it wasn't worth it? You were sat there for 20 minutes doing nothing! You only have 3 moves you could make!" Harry laughed as he commented on Ron's horrible game play.
"Huh." Ron shrugs.
"You're unusually bad at this game tonight. What's up? You tired?" Harry's green eyes connect with Ron's soft blue ones.
"I mean no. I'm...well a little tired." Ron admits. "But it's just, you've got me thinking."
"Well what it feels like to kiss another guy." Ron blushes. Harry smiles.
"I asked if you wanted to go again, to really get a feel of...ya know. What it feels like."
"I do." Ron nods.
"Well, ok." Harry says. Ron tries to mentally prepare himself this time. Ron closed his eyes and waited to feel Harry's lips on his, or Harry's breath at his cheek. But he felt nothing.
"Harry, what are you..." Ron said opening his eyes only to see the top of Harry's head. Harry's face was nearing Ron's neck. Ron felt a soft warm kiss being planted on his collar bone. Ron jumped a little. Harry's tongue moved along his goose-bumped flesh. Harry's lips kissed each section of Ron's neck. Ron stifled a moan. Soon, Harry's lips kissed Ron's cheek, closer and closer to his lips. The corners of their mouths touched, chills ran through Ron's core.
"Ready this time?" Harry whispers. Ron's legs shook a bit. He nodded, unable to wait any longer, he took Harry's face in his hands, guiding Harry's lips to his. The kiss was crooked, their noses bumped and Ron's breathing was ragged. Harry smiled into the kiss, laughing a bit as he separated them. This time, when Harry leaned in to kiss Ron, their lips met perfectly and Harry pulled Ron closer. Ron could feel the warmth of Harry's body against his. Harry's lips were soft and wet, in a perfect way. Harry's lips weren't hungry or forceful. Their lips moved together in rythmic kisses. Ron's heart didn't know rather to sink or fly from his chest. As the thoughts flew through his head, he knew that this was probably going to be one of the most perfect moments in his life. Not because the kiss was amazing, it was. However, because he was kissing Harry Potter. It felt so right, nothing felt forced or scary. He felt his eyes burn as tears found their way to his closed eyes. Ron felt like he was going to cry because he didn't want to forget a single detail on this moment. What Harry felt like, smelled like, tasted like. Soon the sudden wave of emotions subsided as he felt Harry's tongue press against his bottom lip. He pulled back from Harry.
"S-sorry." Harry said.
"No, don't be. I...I just never kissed with my tongue before." Ron hated himself over and over again for ruining his 'most perfect moment ever'.
"Just...I don't know. Just do what your body wants you to do." Harry says as he connects with Ron again, his lips part as they meet Ron's, his tongue running over his lips again. Ron parted his lips, following Harry's lead. He soon felt Harry's tongue against his own. Ron froze for a moment. He took in the feelings Harry was giving him. The tingling in his lips and the sparks the ran along his tongue as Harry caressed Ron's with his own. Ron could taste the sweet on Harry's lips. Harry's tongue began to retreat, Ron pushes his tongue forward, moving the tip of it against Harry's. Harry put the kiss into full gear. He straddled Ron's lap and wrapped his arms around his neck. Ron's hands moved away from Harry's face to Harry's lower back. Harry moaned as he exhaled. Ron felt Harry's fingers work their way up to his hair. Ron felt himself begin to smile. Harry pulled back, breathing hard and presses his forehead to Ron's. Harry's green eyes flicker up into Ron's. Ron's heart dances in his chest.
"So..." Harry says. "How was that?"
"Harry...I want to kiss you like that for the rest of my life." Ron can't help but be completely honest with Harry at this point.
"Ron we're 16. We have a long time. Are you sure you can put up with me that long?" Harry teases and moves away from Ron, not taking him seriously.
"I'll make a way if I have to." Ron shoves Harry harder than he thought and Harry lands on his side looking up at Ron with intense green eyes, like emeralds in the light.

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