pregnant? i dont think so...

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Hey again! Second upload of the day! Can you tell I have nothing else to do? Hehe, anways… J enjoy!

I slept the rest of that day, ant the night too! I was shocked to wake up and find it 10am the following day. This also meant one thing that I didn’t want to think about. My birthday. Tomorrow. It scared the living daylights out of me. In fact I believe that’s why, this morning, I woke up feeling so sick.

‘Babe, are you okay?’ Sam had asked me when I sat up looking a bit too pale. I couldn’t reply, as I felt sick begin to rise up my body. I made a mad dash to the bathroom, where I proceeded to throw my guts up into out toilet. It was awful, but Sam stayed behind me holding me hair up and moving his right hand around me to rub my stomach gently as I heaved what little food I had in my stomach up.

Once I was done I sat back and leant against Sam. ‘I don’t think I’m very well Sam’ I whispered, stating the obvious. Sam nodded his agreement and helped me up, the world spun as he did so, making me tilt slightly, forcing Sam to grab onto me more. He closed the toilet seat, sat me down on it,flushed the chain, then gave me my tooth brush with tooth paste already on it. I nodded my thanks to him and brushed my teeth, when I was done I slowly got up, with aid from Sam, and stumbled towards the sink where I spat and rinsed. That done me and Sam went into the lounge, where we found Sarah, Derrick and Jamie and Troy.

Seeing my face, Sarah jumped up and grabbed my other arm. ‘we heard someone be sick’ she said looking over my head to Sam, who had an awfully worried look on his face. ‘I’m fine’ I whispered, which now I think about it, I found it to be true. Sure, I felt slightly weak and tired, but not like I was gonna pass out or throw up again. Which was definitely good. I smiled at them both then went and sat down on the couch next to Troy, who had Jamie on his lap. Sam followed me, picked me up, then placed me on his lap. ‘are you sure you’re alright honey?’ both Sam and Sarah asked me, pretty much at the same time. ‘Yeah, apart from being a bit weak I’m fine. Although I am hungry’ I said as an after-thought. Everybody laughed at me, shaking their heads like I was ridiculous. ‘only you would say that after throwing your guts up’ Troy said, I stuck my tongue out at him and said ‘I’m a growing person and I get hungry easily!’ although, it was strange, even for me to want food so soon after being severly sick. ‘is this something that usually happenes when a new wolf changes?’ I asked Derrick turning to him as I said so. ‘no, I’ve never seen this, apart from when…’ he stopped, starring at me, then Sam, then Sarah. ‘Sar, the only time I saw this happen was with you… when you turned, but you were pregnant at the time…’ he he stopped again, thinking some more. ‘I can smell him all over you, so I know you two have had sex, but tell me, have you used protection at any point?’ he looked Sam in the eyes, as he slowly shook his head.

I stopped.

And waited.

And knew, deep down, what this meant.

‘No’ I managed to choke out, as I began crying. I couldn’t be pregnant. This can’t be happening. It can’t! Sam cuddled me even closer to him, stroking my hair and soothing me, until I stopped crying at just sat there, not doing anything, in shock. ‘we shouldn’t be able to tell this early. I shouldn’t be experiencing morning sickness, if I am p-p- pregnant’ I stuttered, looking around. Sarah came to me and hugged me keeping me close to her as she spoke.

‘werewolf pregnancies are different dear. They don’t last as long, although admittedly you shouldn’t be noticing it his early. But I suppose that could be because your body is also readying itself for the change tomorrow. For all we know, this could be associated with it. Don’t think about it too much, you probably aren’t pregnant deary, don’t worry, you’ll only go and make yourself more sick, and we really don’t want that right now, okay?’ she asked me, looking down at me, and being the mother that I always wanted, but never got, ‘okay’ I whispered.’ I’ll try and forget about it for now’, I smiled, which seemed an awful task to do, considering my life changing circumstances. ‘We’ll go to the zoo, eh? Gets your mind off things’ Sam’s mother said, smiling down at me sweetly. I nodded so fast that the world spun, but I didn’t care! ‘Can we go see the penguins!!!??? Please!?’ I asked getting up and jumping around like spongebob on crack (my friend and me were talking about this, he came up with the spongebob on crack thing… J) , ‘yeah’ Sam said, ‘we’ll go and see the penguins’ I jumped up and kissed him, the possible pregnancy completely slipping my mind. I was going to the zoo, I didn’t care!!!

We arrived at the zoo at around midday, the place was packed, but I didn’t care. I wanted to go see penguins! So that’s what we did. We skipped all the other animals, and went straight to the adorable black and white creatures. ‘hey babies’ I said through the fence. They  were so cute, it was amazing. We spent the whole afternoon there, watching them, and we even got to go in the enclosure and stroke the little things and we played with them… we even got to feed them!!! It was amazing, and I love Sam for being there, I love them all for acting like this morning never happened. None of us ever mentioned the issue of my possible pregnancy and I was so grateful for it, it was unbelievable.

On the ride home, in Derrick’s limo obviously, I began to get sleepy. ‘Get some sleep darling, God knows, you’ll need it for tomorrow’ Sam said, leaning down and kissing me on the lips, before I slipped into oblivion.

So, that’s it guys!

I was wondering, would someone like to make a front cover for this book? I really want one, and don’t have aclue how to do it myself, if you do, personal message me, and I’ll give you my email and all that! Thankyou for reading,

And please fan, comment and vote because I really do appreciate it!!


Baileybobbin xxx

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