Fed Up

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Alyssa hurriedly walked in the halls, keeping her head down. She couldn't see them today, it was her birthday and no way in hell would they go easy on her. A familiar presence behind her shook her from her thoughts. She came to a dead stop, not even trying to run away from what was about to come. "Excited to see?" He laughed, which sent a shiver throughout her entire body. "Please leave me alone Brendon." She pleaded. There was silence, which made Alyssa worried.

She bravely started to turn around, to see what he was doing, but was met with a fist. She collapsed to the ground and grabbed her face, the pain barely tolerable. She desperately looked at the small crowd that formed around them. Brendon grabbed her long brown hair and pulled her up. "What, to scared to face up to me?" He grinned. Alyssa looked at him, blood trickling down her face. "Fuck you." She spat at him. He looked stunned, then lunged at her, but Alyssa was to fast. She bolted out of the small circle and to her car.

She jumped into her car and fumbled with her backpack, trying to find the keys. "You are going to pay you bitch!" Brendon's footsteps got louder every second, which made her hurry even more than before. She found the keys and shakily put them into the ignition, going as fast as possible. As soon as the car started Brendon grabbed Alyssa, causing her to let out a strangled scream. He grabbed her head and smashed it into the steering wheel, causing her vision to get fuzzy. She snapped back into reality and kicked him in his nuts, causing him to fall to the ground. Alyssa jumped back into her car and stepped on the gas, leaving Brendon screaming threats at her.


Alyssa lay sprawled out on her couch, an ice pack on her head. "He is going to regret that shit." She mumbled to herself. Her mom happened to be gone this week, which now she was very thankful for. She got up, ignoring the wave of nausea that swept over her. Stumbling over to the kitchen, she sloppily grabbing a knife that was on the counter. She went outside, breathing in the cold air. Alyssa began to walk down the road, thankful for his house being close. She ended up ending up in his lawn in a matter of minutes.

She contemplated for a second, wondering if she should really do this. But then she remembered, all the bullying, the abuse, the names, he definitely deserved this. Alyssa quietly picked the lock to his home, and sneakily entered the house. All the lights were off, signalling everyone was sleeping. She quietly began to walk up the stairs, only to hear someone walking down the hall. A small gasp escaped her lips and she hid under neath a nearby coffee table.

The footsteps began to get closer, until they stopped directly in front of her. "Why the fuck is the door open?" She heard the familiar voice say. This was her chance. Alyssa lunged out from her hiding space and sliced the back of Brendon's ankles, causing him to scream in agony. Insanity lit up inside Alyssa like a fire. She quickly knocked Brendon unconscious with a nearby book. It took everything in her to not kill him right then and there. He had to suffer like she did.

She quickly began to drag him into the woods, which happened to be very close by. He was twice the size of her, but Alyssa's adrenaline rush caused her to be able to handle the weight. She eventually came across a small cabin. She dragged him inside and tied him to an old chair. She walked around him, observing his unconscious body. His short blonde hair was matted to his forehead with sweat, and dried tears streaked his face.

His eyes began to flutter open, and he began screaming at the top of his lungs. Alyssa didn't mind the screaming, no on could hear them anyways. "So Brendon, how does it feel to be at the other end of things?" She questioned. "Let me go you crazy fucker!" She just smiled, amused. "You know, I think I have had enough." She said, getting annoyed by his constant screaming. She picked up her knife and plunged it into his stomach, which caused him to scream in agony. "The names." She mumbled, beginning to twist the knife around in his stomach. "The abuse." She yanked the knife out and plunged it into the side of his face. "The humiliation." She began slicing open his face until it was beyond the point of recognition.

Alyssa dropped her knife and smiled at what she had created. He looked better this way. She swayed to the sound of the blood dripping, it was such a beautiful sound. Her eyes began to close and she smiled again, This was the best birthday present ever. 

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