Somebody To Love Me

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“Stop it! Stop it Drew, your hurting me!” I pleaded, clawing at his hands around my throat frantically, but I knew it was no use. This was only the beginning of his rage that I’ve grown so used to. Tears welled in my eyes, spilling down my cheeks

Drew yanked her by the throat towards him then shoved her violently back against the wall. “Shut up!” he screamed into her face, her tears pissing him off more. She was always playing the victim when it was him she was always hurting. And now he was showing her how she made him feel. She should know by now that tears would not make him show mercy. “Where the hell have you been, huh? You were with him weren’t you? I can smell him on you! You’re a dirty little slut Mia” he spat, slapping her hard across the face

I fell to the floor, the side of my face throbbing. More tears flowed from my eyes. Fear numbed my whole body as I looked into the eyes of the monster I married. This was not the man I fell in love with. A demon had taken his place. He made a grab for me but I dodged his hands and ran for the stairs. If I could just make it to the bedroom, I could lock myself in there until he calmed down. Just as I made to the hall, I felt strong arms grab me from behind and all in one fast motion, I was slammed to the floor. Drew quickly strattled me, chocking me again. “Drew please I… can’t breathe” I managed, my air being cut off. He ignored my pleas and bashed my head against the floor

“You stupid bitch!” he swore at me “I know you were with him! You might not realize this, as stupid as you are, but I have people watching every move you make when I’m not around.” He seethed, eyes full of rage. “I wasn’t with John, I swear!” I chocked out. “You’re a lying bitch!” he spat, venom oozing off every word. He got up, seizing me by the wrist, dragging me towards our bedroom. I kicked, screamed, and fought the best I could but it was no use. He was too strong. When he finally got me into our room, he hurled me towards the bed, but I lost my footing and went crashing into the nightstand then onto the floor, along with everything on it, including the glass frame that held our wedding photo and it shattered into a million pieces. I writhed in pain, my body aching. Blood was everywhere, but I was in too much shock to figure out where it was coming from. Everything around me began to blur.

“Get up!” Drew growled, grabbing a handful of her blonde hair to pull her up. She was bleeding from a gash on her forearm and a cut above her eyebrow. Her beautiful icy blue eyes were glazed. I pushed her onto the, crawling on top of her, pinning her arms above her head. She tried to fight back, but I could tell that last fall had taken a lot out of her.

Drew please. Don’t!” I sobbed, trying to free my arms. How could he have know that I was with John? I had been so careful not to let anyone see me in the hotel that all the WWE Superstars were staying in as I made my way up to his room and I thought I had been successful but apparently I was wrong.

“My poor wife. Such a whore. Sneaking around with Cena behind her husband’s back. You didn’t think I would find out? I’ll always know if your being a slut, Mia. I have my ways, sweetheart. And I see that you haven’t changed yours” he said, running his hands up and down my sides, over my breasts, then to my face, brushing my hair away from my eyes. “You’re a liar, and because you’ve lied to me so much, I can’t even believe you even if your telling the truth. You’re a fucking slut, Mia. Once a slut, always a fucking slut. So since you wanna act like one, I’ll start treating you like one” he said, pulling her shirt over her head then pulled off his own shirt and tossed them to the floor. He wasted no time pulling off his jeans and his boxers. Her eyes were clouded with fear , but he didn’t care. She deserved everything that was about to come to her.

I fought back as he pulled off my jeans then my panties, throwing them to the floor with the rest of our clothes. He trailed kisses down my neck and I cringed away as he positioned himself in between my legs. I begged and pleaded for him to stop but I got a hard back hand in response.

Shut up! You know you like this. I bet this is how Cena does it huh?” he said as he entered me roughly, causing me to cry out in pain. Never has Drew hurt me while we were making love. He was always so gentle, so tender. Every caress and touch was filled with love, but that wasn’t the case here. Every thrust caused me pain, each more than the last and I clamped my mouth shut, knowing that every time I cried it would piss him off more and I felt myself drift in and out of consciousness. Eventually, I gave up and let him have his way. After what seemed like eternity, he released and collapsed on top of me. Hot tears streamed down my face as he looked at me, his face softened and I saw the man I loved return to me

Drew pulled out, staring into his wife’s eyes. Tears streamed down her face. He gently wiped them away with his thumb, letting hit trail down her already blue and black face and cupped it in between his hands. He hated doing this. He hated hurting her, but sometimes she drove him to it. Today she really hit a nerve when he got a phone call from Jack, telling him that he had just seen her sneaking into the hotel then up to the room John was staying in after he told her to stay away from him. She had told him that she was having a Girls Day with the Bellas. She had lied to him. Again. And he last his tempter, all thoughts of keeping calm and asking her about it as soon as she got home flying out of the window as soon as she stepped foot in the house. He leaned down and captured her lips to his, giving her a sincere kiss. “I love you” he whispered, brushing his lips against hers one more time before rolling off of her, laying next to her on the bed

I rolled onto my side, even though it hurt, my back to him. The clock on the wall read 12:05. It was over. After two hours of fighting since she got home tonight, the storm had passed. Body aching and head throbbing, sleep suffocated me, dragging me into the blackness with know chance of knowing what tomorrow might bring

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