Dear Anonymous,
You don't fucking get it. And you know what, that's completely fine. Honestly no one would because I'm just fucking crazy! I'm sorry that's I'm so, so, soooooo fucking unstable!
I just wish that you could understand how I'm feeling.
Although I honestly wouldn't wish how I'm feeling on my Worst ENEMY!!
I LOVE YOU! I do! You could never understand why, how, or even how much.
Right now I just feel like you don't care about me.... but, you know what its okay, because what we did.....that was us being greedy, but you know, I enjoyed being greedy every single fucking second of it!! It was amazing....because "in that moment I felt infinite".
It was amazing I indulged myself.....its not real though.....but, all I would want in life is fantasy.
So yeah I really don't know what else to say except ......."we accept the love we think we deserve. "
Just a Simple Letter..
PoetryIt's, a simple letter of how one could feel in a number if situations.