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"Mom, you're joking right?" Esme said excitedly-holding the phone a bit tighter,pressing it firmly against her ear in attempt to hear everything her mom had to say. She didn't want to miss a word.
"No Esme, I'm not." Her mom replied cheerfully,relieved to know her daughter was actually 'excited' about the idea. She had always thought that steps to breaking this news to Esme was to be taken with caution. She assumed that Esme wouldn't accept it so easily but instead,she'd be all dramatic and say that her life would end thinking of the prospects of moving away and leaving her friends behind in Grantevans.
"It's good to know you're happy about this Esme, but aren't you the least bit hesitant? I mean,we're talking about you leaving all your friends and moving to Likerwood to live with me- we're talking about a whole new city-new school-new people! Are you sure you're ok?"
At that moment Esme wanted to come clean with her mom about the topic of 'friends'.The thing is Esme never considered these people she associated herself with on a daily basis 'friends'- they were merely acquaintances. There's a huge difference. So technically she'd miss nothing-no one.
Esme took a deep breath then answered, " Of course I'll miss them!!" she faked sobbed pretending she was crying so that her mom would actually believe that she was sad.


"It's ok hunny" her mom tried to cheer her up, "you'll be fine."
Of course she'll be fine-better than fine.
She was never sad to begin with.

A few days ago,Esme had eavesdropped on a conversation between her mom and dad so she knew about the whole 'Likerwood' thing even before they decided to tell her.

Being an only child Esme used to live with her mom and dad. They were married-had been for quite a few years.As for the exact number of years...Esme never made it her business to remember. She stopped trying to keep track the moment she noticed they were drifting apart and not long after they got a divorce. She knew the exact date of that because it burned a hole in her heart and marked the day her world started crumbling. 16.03.14

*Diary Entry* 16.03.14
Dear diary,
It's all over now, their divorce has been finalized. They got shared custody so apparently I'm gonna spend some time with mom and then some time with dad. I wanna cry but the tears aren't coming I guess I cried it all before-with all the nagging and arguments they've had...sigh maybe I'm glad it's over between them-maybe that's why I can't cry.

After that day everything seemed to dive down hill.
Esme's 'friends' started bullying her, the guy she crushed on started dating her 'close friend' and stopped talking to her, her grades dropped drastically among many other things. Esme became very depressed and started shutting everyone out-no one seemed to care enough to notice.
She was in her own little world-all alone and her only companions were her diary, alcohol and a razor.
Grantevans had brought Esme nothing but unhappiness. But her parents never knew this, of course they assumed that she was sad because of the divorce but they never knew the exact degree of her unhappiness. She always managed to plaster a smile on her face when she was around them.
She deserved an Oscar award for the front she put up.
Hearing this news was music to her ears. She couldn't wait to be rid of this hellish place-the place that sucked everything from her and ruined her childhood.
The only thing she'd probably miss is her dad...but even that she was unsure of.
She loved him dearly but it wasn't the kind of love to make her blind to the fact that it was her father's fault the marriage fell apart.
He and his little third foot who couldn't stay put in his pants that is...
His unfaithfulness and tower of lies caused this all.
But she loved him nevertheless,
whether she'd actually miss him was to be questioned.

It's been a year since it all happened and Esme managed to keep her emotions under control.

As she hanged up the phone she began thinking...
She looked forward to her new life -how it would be,how she wanted it to be.
It's quite psychopathic to sit there and think that you are directing your life and you know exactly what will happen next because no man knows his or her future.
Esme was slapped out of her daydream when her dads voice pierced into her thoughts-he was calling her.
"Yes dad" she cut him short by answering.
"So your flight has been arranged already. You leave on Monday."
Esme was too busy wondering why her dad insisted on calling her 'Esmeral' when everyone else just cut it short to 'Esme' to hear what he just said.
"Huh?" She nodded her head-coming back to present, "What did you just say?"
Her dad let a breath out prepping himself before having to repeat
"I said, are you listening?" He peered at Esme with his deep blue eyes
She put her hand up as if surrendering to the cops
she placed her palm under her chin and rested her elbows on the kitchen counter giving her dad her full attention
"Ok, as I was saying, your flight has already been booked and you leave on Monday."
"Monday wow, that's day after tomorrow!!!" Esme got up and started pacing back and forth
"I have to get so many things! I'll need new clothes, new shoes, my hair needs to be done, I need to-"
"I'm running late for my flight sweedy,can we talk about this later?" He cut her off looking at his watch.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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