Explaining #PNIN

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Project No Is No is a project circling around sexual assault and harassment.

Many girls/women have been - in someway - victims of sexual abuse, assault, and/or harassment and won't speak due to fear of being made fun or bullied.

This cause doesn't just support women, it also supports men. Everyone believes guys can't be sexually harassed, which is a complete lie, guys can also be sexually abused, harassed, and assaulted. Even though it's rare, it can still happen.

1 out of 33 men has been sexually assaulted or harassed. 1 out of 6 women have been sexually assaulted or harassed.

Victims become nervous, embarrassed, disgusted, withdrawn, etc for something that they could not control.

Many victims are told they deserved it because of the way they dressed or the way they act.

That is a complete lie.

Nobody deserves such things to happen to them. It's never the victim's fault; it's always the attacker's fault.

If you would like to be part of this campaign, please add the hashtag #ProjectNoIsNo (you may also write it as #PNIN) to your stories/profile.

Thank you for supporting this movement :)


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