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"Lift your pinkies up while holding your teacup"Ms.Crisly softly said.
I nicely lift my teacup pinkie and everything , and i softly whisper to myself :
"My life is lame,it is an annoying trip to hell."
You would think someone died in that room,nobody died but the ballroom was in dead silence.
Mom escorts me out of the room.
"What did you say young lady?" She sats sternly
"Mom,i mean mother I was just board."
"Go to the tower,i will hope you can stay in there for about a quarter til 7:00 ,you will have pie baking lessons."
My room is in the highest part of the castle,the tower, So i must climb the stairs,all 287 of them. On the way up I noticed a painting,it was brand new. I took it off the wall then there was a safe.just a size of a 4 by 5. I just guessed the code 6379, my great grandmothers favorite number.then, pop it pops open after just a tap. It has a few items inside the safe.An antique clock, a rifle, a blanket, and $900,000 dollars.with no hesitation i take the money and run to my bedroom. I walk in something seemed different...there was a foldable on my bed. It was titled New York:The City Of Life And Fun, i found it cool i open it and one article caught my attention:
Marie lou     Harrient arts school-NYC
New York, New York is known for its arts and shopping and some World Famous Productions New York is proud to open Harriet Performing arts school in New York we hope you will attend. Enrollment fee:$400,000.

"Omg"you here me say to myself .
"I am going" i chant down the stairs!
"What in the world do you believe you are committing"my mother says her voice was not stern and soft like normal,it was more like a scream a yell sort of.she is mad,furious.i conclude
" mom please read it"
She examines it looking quite impressed
"No,you are tenth in line for the princess throne"
" but mom,i do not care i have 9 sisters waiting for throne. With my luck i will never be princess, let me leave."
"Look hon- she pats my head-you are only thirteen,  you have so much more in this world to look forward to in the line for the throne."
"I am going,mom. This is my dream.And you said it yourself :follow your dreams."
"Go pack."She responds lightly
"Thank You So much mom!" I scream
"Welcome hon i will make arrangements for you to have a delux suite. Mom i want my own apartment on 5th avenue,there are some nice looking ones there. Plus they are by my school."
"There is one set of rules and guidelines, her girl"
        Rules and guidelines
1. If your turn for throne comes to notice you will give up your spot at school.
2. You will NEVER brag of your way of being royal.
3. Acidimics are second friends are first.
"I will follow them, you will see me packing ."
"Baby girl, Eliza. Can i tell you something?"
"Yes Mom"
"You're real name is Elixa. But I changed it to Eliza."
"But why, you are my mom.Right?"
"No, your mom is... Dead."
"What"and I stormed out of the room
My room has many decorations that say Eliza. I got angry so I changed that z to an x. It made me feel terible.
I am a waste
I am broken,
"Mom" needs to pay
I repet that in my head all throughout packing.
My name is Elixa.
I have a fake name.
I am a frod.
I should die.
Tomorrow i will be normal.
On the morning i leave, I act like today was normal.No. I was leaving everything i knew. Starting a whole new life. All alone, no I will get a roomate. On 5th avenue. It is aproxomently 10:00 pm at 3:00 i will be in the states finally! I can do it.yes I can. I question in my head. TICK!
Time to go. I can be a normal kid. "Bye mom i love you"i whisper. I never loved her I am a liar and frod...and I like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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