Got You - Sam Winchester x Female reader

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Sam/ female reader one shot
Warning: trigger warning- low self esteem, depression, flash backs, self harm Talk of suicide

  Y/N had grown up in a similar life style as the Winchester boys, living out of carry on bags in motels.
   Her father and mother had both been hunters until Y/N turned 10.  One day, she had been hanging out in a run down motel room waiting for her parents to get back from a vamp hunt when her whole world came crashing down.  Three vampire crashed through the back window and grabbed her. Her parents came rushing in seconds later. The monsters ripped Y/N mothers throat out right in front of her. Her father was able the chop their heads off in the end. But not before it destroyed their lives.
   After her mothers death y/n father began to drink a lot more. First came the screaming and yelling. Next came the beatings. If only she had been strong enough to take care of herself, he would say if only she hadn't existed his wife would still be alive. When y/n was 20 her father died of alcohol poising. Funny how after everything they had survived his relief had killed him.
   10 years later she met Sam Winchester on a witch hunt. After what seemed like centuries he asked her out and the rest was history. He asked her to move into the bunker with them and all seemed well. But no one knew why Y/N woke up screaming every night. They weren't going to question. Not when the same thing happened to them almost every night as well.
    One afternoon, the trio was on their way home from a hunt. A demon had been pretending to be a teenagers parent. He would tell them how worthless, how useless they were until the teenager committed suicide. Y/N couldn't help but flash back to her own times of self hatred. When they reached the bunker she dashed out of the impala and into her bed room that she shared with Sam.
She shuffled trough her bags until she found what she needed. She slammed the bathroom door shut and sat down on the cold tile floor. She hadn't done this in a while but she couldn't handle it any longer. She pressed the cold sharp blade against the inside of her wrist and dragged it across. Once, twice, three times. Blood was freely flowing down her arm onto the tile.
" Y/N open up I know your in there." Sam said suddenly pounding on the door with his fist. " what's wrong? Answer me y/n!"
She shook her head and let the tears freely fall down her cheeks as she continued to run the kade across her already tattered skin.
The door swung open and the youngest Winchester fell to his knees next to his girlfriend.
" Y/N oh go what did you do." He held her wrist in his big hands trying the press down on the cuts to stop the bleeding.
  After a while it stopped and so did the tears.
" why?" Was all sam could say, pulling her into his lap.
Y/N turned to look up at her boy friends face. Tears were starting to slip out of his beautiful hazel eyes as he held her arm close to his chest, refusing to let her go.
" when - when I saw those kids, all -" she couldn't finish. But she had too she had to get this out.
"All I could see was me. When that happened to me!" She screamed into his shirt and he held her never letting go.
" I got you, it's okay I got you."

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