Practice Makes Perfect

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I checked my watch. 10:22 A.M. oh dear, I have 38 minutes to warm up, change into my outfit, lace my skates, and warm up again. I jogged a little faster, but not too fast, because I didn't want to waste my energy on just getting there.

I arrived shortly after checking the time, so I went into my changing room, got my skipping rope and went to find Julia.

"Amy! You're finally here," my coach, Julia stated, "Alright, you and Becky will jog around the ice twice, then take a break and come see me. I'll be in the coaches' room," and off she went. I stared at Becky, and she right back at me in the eye. We hated each other. A lot. It was always competition between the two of us, and in this case it really was. She is one of the best figure skaters in this competition, therefore making her my toughest opponent. I never understood why she hated me, but it wasn't time to think of that now. I had to focus on my routine and win if I wanted a solo in the end-of-year show

10:27 A.M. I checked the time again. Time to roll! I said to myself and I started jogging. After a few minutes I was done and breathless, so I headed to Julia. I walked down the hallway, and turned to my left into the coaches' room.

"Ugh, finally!" I heard a nasally voice snarl, "How long does it take you jog around twice? I've been waiting here for ten minutes," Becky complained. I looked at my digital watch, 10:33A. M. Wow, it's been six minutes, you obviously don't know how to tell time, I said to myself as if I was talking to her. How immature can she be? She's fourteen and a half, exactly a year older than me, yet she is acting like a six year old.

"We only started six minutes ago, so I have no idea what you are talking about," I replied, proving that she was wrong.

"Rebecca, Amy, enough!" Julia exclaimed to get our attention. "It's is now 10:34, meaning you have 26 minutes to get ready. Take five minutes to warm up a little more. That includes skipping, jumping-jacks, and most importantly, stretching. Now go!" she yelled while we ran down the hall. "Oh, and don't forget, on ice warm up start at 10:50 so make sure you guys are changed and laced up by 10:48 sharp," she hollered as we neared the training room.

When I finished warming up, I got changed into my beautiful short-sleeved skating dress. It was royal blue: the top part made of velvet with sparkles evenly spread, and the layered bottom part with gems at the rim. I did my make up to match and I put a bow in my hair. I laced my skates, put on my guards, sweater and gloves, and waited for Becky and Julia near the door.

10:47 A.M. the clock read on the arena wall, perfect. Different skaters from my category started to fill the waiting area, and that is when the nerves kicked in. Just breathe. The announcer called our category, and we glided on the ice with force and speed. We had 10 minutes to practice, and I was getting more nervous by the second.

As I got off the ice, they announced the first name, Katie Greene, who was a great skater, but Becky and I were better. Katie landed most of her jumps, and popped her double Sow cow. She wasn't going to beat me.

Jessie went, so did Amber, and Becky was on her last jump: a double Sow cow... and she didn't land it. I was next.

"Amy Grace White," the announcer spoke and I glided on the ice, letting the wind blow over my body. I got into position and my music started. The beginning of my routine was mostly footwork, but very complex. Bunny-hops, twizzles, three-turns and mohawks... I gathered speed to land my first jump: and Axel. Crossed-cut, crossed-cut, mohawk, back-cross, up and... JUMP! I landed perfectly, and continued with my program. The rest was a breeze, until it came to my double lutz: the hardest jump for me. Back-cross, back-cross, I was ready to pick and lift off but then I remembered.


"Remember, Amy. Never only do two back-crosses. ALWAYS do three or more, because you can never have too much speed when it comes to the lutz," Julia said making sure that it would get stuck in my head.

"Alright, but what if I am too close to the board?" I asked.

"Don't worry. If that ever happens, just curve away from the boards," she said, being the great coach she is.


Three or more, three or more, her voice popped in my head. As I was skating, I realized that I was getting closer to the boards but the way I was positioned, I couldn't curve properly. I had to come up with something... fast. I made the quick decision to change my routine a bit, hoping that the judges wouldn't deduct points. I did two mohawks and lifted both my feet up in the air for a split jump. Then I realized, I still have to do my double lutz, or I'll be disqualified. I turned backwards, picked up speed and I was able to curve now with no problem.

I picked into the ice, lifted off, while my body spun in mid-air; the cold breeze hitting my arms, while they were crossed over my chest. I felt myself descending, so I untangled my legs and stretched the right one out. My left blade hit the ice abruptly and I heard the audience erupt in cheers and applause. I landed it, I landed it! I was so happy that I had not fallen during the program.

Flowers were thrown on the ice, while I bowed in the center. I skated off to meet Julia, "That was absolutely amazing, Amy!" she hugged me tightly as we waited for my rank. Since I was the last, my ranking would be final.

I stared at the screen in aw when my score and rank came up. Amy Grace White 77.63, 1st place. "Amy! You won! You won!" Julia screamed in my ear. I had finally won. I finally have a guaranteed spot in the show. I beat Rebecca Ashley Stone: the champion. This is a dream come true.

"Third place, Jessie Johnson. Second place Rebecca Stone. And first place goes to Amy Grace White!" the announcer said as I stepped on the podium and waved. My coach had the honor of putting the gold medal around my neck.

"I'm so proud of you," she said.

"Thank you, but this all couldn't of happened without the best coach in the world, Julia," she smiled and everyone took pictures.

All the hard work that I put into skating for all these years had finally paid off. I won my first competition at the age of thirteen. I creamed Becky, and I get to preform solo at the end-of-year show.


Hey! So this is my first story here on Wattpad! This is a short story so it is completed. plz give me feedback on my writing so i can be motivated to write more! xx 


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