Who's Superman? (Poem)

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  • Dedicated to Those Who Died Fighting, The Real Superheroes

"Who's Superman?" A little kid had asked me

I thought about the question asked so boldly

Is Superman really the hero that everyone believes?

Or is he just some criminal, that only deceives?

Is that red cape he wears just for show?

And that killer smile to boost his ego?

I thought and I thought until the answer was clear

Then I went down on one knee and said in the kid's ear

"Superman is not real," I said to the child

Not knowing the mind I just defiled

"He's just a character with strange powers

Actors play them like other superheroes

With a little special effects and a pulley rope system

Everyone suddenly thinks he's awesome

The man isn't real, he's just made up

His comics and movies are a huge cover up"

The little kid looked up to me with those big blue eyes

Then asked me something that took me by surprise

"Who will help us when we are all in trouble?"

I was dumbfounded, not feeling like a role model

My eyes widened at the mistake I made

But I must answer the question, unafraid

The kid stood patiently, waiting for my reply

I had to answer fast so I could clarify

"Well you see Superman isn't the only hero on Earth

Everyday every hour a new hero is given birth

Those twinkling lights in the sky are stars

Each represents a man who fought in wars

They all wear dog tags instead of capes,

So people will know who they are from the fakes

Instead of unitards, they wear their uniforms proud

Saluting and vowing to be justice out loud"

"Is that all?" The kid said said in disbelief

Not showing a single sign of any relief

I eyed the kid in disbelief on what he just said

I told him my answer and this is what I get instead?

"While you're too busy playing video games

People save lives and no one knows their names

Everyday someone in this world dies

Everyday someone in this world saves lives"

So who's Superman, is the question you ask?

You could be the hero, only just unmasked.

Did you like the poem? I thought up the idea months ago, but I never got to finish the poem. I was inspired by Man of Steel and Waiting for Superman, and came up with this poem.

I hope you like the poem, some of it's true. At the side is the example of a hero also the song, Superman by Five for Fighting. Anyone can become a hero, you can even ask Kickass.

"At some point in our lives we all wanna be a superhero."


And this poem is dedicated to all of the real heroes who died fighting. Thank you for fighting and save everyone's lives. And we all hope that you can come back home safe and sound.


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