Part 2: Anxiety

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Jaws were wide open, the looks on the face of the Strawhats was dumbfounded. This was no surprise, it not every day for you to come across someone who said they were made in the lab. Robin asked "created in the lab? Is that possible?" Your eyes flashed as you replied "it WAS impossible." The crew tried to ask you more questions, but you turned away and refused to answer anymore than one. Why should you answer all of their questions when you can't trust them just yet? Knowing you wouldn't answer any more than this, Nami quiet everyone and offered to show you around the ship. You still couldn't trust her, so you wanted Chopper to go along with you. When you walked out from the infirmary, the rest of the crew walked over and introduced themself to you. You told them your name and walked away with Chopper and Nami, curiosity peaks in. Why are these people so kind to you when they have no idea what you're capable of?

As you get to know the ship and the crew members, they weren't like what you think. The crew welcomed you, there was a new type of feelings which embraced you. For the first time, you smiled and laughed along with the kindest people you've ever met. You wanted to stay with these people, to get and know them. But then, what would happen if they were to know the true you? What will they do when they found out your true past and stories? Betrayal? If this is the case, then it would be best if they would never know what happened. But you knew this moment of joy couldn't last forever, there are things you must do across those wide ocean. However for now, you want to take things off your mind and hang out with these new friends for a while. Luffy is funny, Zoro is a sleepyhead, Sanji is perverted, Nami is fashionable, Robin is knowledgeable, Usopp is lying, Chopper is cute, Franky is optimistic, and Brook is the second pervert. Everyone in this crew is all different, but they all get along just well using something called "friendship". And surely, you want to know of this thing called "friendship".

Nami and Robin took a bath with you and together, you guys walked to the dinner hall where a table of feast was readied by Sanji. The rest of the crew were already there and were eating away, Luffy was literally stuffing everything into his mouth. After dinner, everyone was off doing their own things while Robin introduced you to books in the library. Until it was bedtime, you spend you night after dinner reading books filled with mysterious things and mysteries, the world is much vaster than you ever thought. When it was getting late, Robin and Nami leaded you back to the girl's cabin with them. Because you were a little girl, you have no problem sharing a bed with either one of them. You ended up sharing the bed with Nami. In the middle of the night, you couldn't fall asleep, you couldn't even close your eyes. Gently, you brushed the blanket aside and walked out of the girl's cabin and onto the deck. The breezes ruffled your hair, the stars shimmered, and the moon shone it reflections onto the dark horizon of the sea. You walked to the front deck and leaned into the railing, looking up at the moon with lonely eyes. "(y/n)....(y/n)..." A voice sounded inside your head, making your head ached painfully. You fall onto your knees, gasping hard for air. Your eyesight blurred, the pain ached so much. Not knowing what around you, an arm wrapped around your shoulder. You snapped out of everything, looking up at the person. A green hair came into view along with his deep tan skin, Zoro's deep gray eyes was focusing on you. He asked "hey, are you alright?" You pulled away and nodded, Zoro said "you should get some rest." You shook your head, the pain was gone. You stood up and looked toward the dark ocean with widened eyes, you said gently to yourself "Akashi, he's near..." Zoro was in a state of confusion as he asked "who's Akashi?" You snapped and replied "it nothing, nothing you should worry about." With that, you bowed to Zoro and walked away back to the girl's cabin. Your hand trembled with fear as you bit your lips, you mumbled "he's near, he's near..."

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