The New Girl In Town

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I ran down the hallway and into Room 129. It was 8:36, and class had started six minutes ago. "Sorry, I'm late!" I told everyone.

"Class, say hello to Melissa Woods. She just moved here from Ohio, so make her feel welcome," my Algebra teacher, Mrs. Davis, said when I entered her classroom.

I moved to Florida three days ago, because my mom, Richelle, got this amazing job opportunity that we just couldn't pass up. So now, it's my first day at Beachside High, and all eyes are on me.

Great, I thought to myself.

With the class still staring at me, I waved and whispered, "Hi."

"You can take that seat, right there, beside Drew Anderson." She pointed to the empty seat beside him. "We rarely ever do group work, but if we ever do, he's your partner."

I quickly walked over to the seat beside Drew and sat down. I looked over at him, and noticed he was surprisingly cute. His brown hair was perfectly slung across his forehead to the right, and he had insanely gorgeous hazel eyes. He looked over at me and smiled. "Hey," he said nicely.

"Hey," I smiled back.

Before he could respond, Mrs. Davis started talking and class began.

My eyes kept wandering over to Drew. His hair. His eyes. His lips. His...everything. He was incredibly hot. And he was MY Algebra partner. Heck yeah.


After Mrs. Davis released class, I went to the bathroom. When I walked out, I ran into someone. "Oh my gosh, sorry!" I shouted, worried. I bent down to help them pick up their books, and when I looked up, it was Drew. "Oh, hey."

"Hey. Melissa, right?" he smiled.

"Yeah. And you're Drew?"

He nodded, and then the bell for second period rang. "Um, well I - I gotta go. Bye."

"Bye," I told him back, and he took his books from my hand before turning around and walking away.


"Are you new?" someone asked from behind me. I turned around and saw a thin girl looking at me. She had curly blonde hair, that was gorgeous, and bright blue eyes. She looked about my age, maybe a year older.

"Uh, yeah. I actually just moved here from Ohio. Today's my first day," I told her.

"Well, welcome to the school. I'm Bridget Harlow, 14, 9th grade. What about you?"

"I'm Melissa Woods, 14, and 9th grade, too. Hey, maybe we'll have some classes together," I said.

She shrugged. "Maybe." Then she smiled and said, "Well, since you're new and everything, do you wanna eat with some of my friends and I?"

I smiled back. "Yeah, sure! Thanks."

"No problem. I'll just be over there." She pointed to a table and walked away. I got my lunch and headed over to the table that Bridget was sitting at. "Guys, this is Melissa Woods. She's in our grade and she's new," she told her friends once I took a seat beside her.

They all waved at me and told me hello. "Hi," I said back to them.

Bridget pointed to a girl with long, black hair sitting on the other side of her. "This is Brittany." She pointed to another girl sitting close to her and said, "This is Chloe." Then she pointed to the last girl and said, "And this is Ashley." I waved to all of them and told them hi again.

Chloe looked behind her and blushed when she turned back around to face us. "What?" I asked, looking confused.

Brittany looked at me and rolled her eyes. "She's just looking at her major crush, Jake Kinley. He's in 10th grade, and her big brother, Drake, is best friends with him."

I looked over at Chloe, and she was still blushing, looking down at her food and pretending like she hadn't heard anything. "So, does he know you like him?" I asked.

"No. I want him to know, but I'm just too scared and nervous to tell him. And I feel like if I tell him, it'll be all awkward between us, and I don't want that happen," she responded.

I nodded. "I understand. I had the biggest crush on this guy at my old school, and I always wanted to just explain how I felt about him, but being the scaredy cat chicken I am, I didn't. But I wish I would've."

It was silent for a moment, and then Ashley randomly looked over at me and said, "So, have you seen any cute boys yet?"

I sighed and looked around the cafeteria for Drew. When I saw him, I kept my eyes on him. They all seemed to get the message and gasped. "Drew?!" Ashley exclaimed.

"Um...yeah. Why are you acting that way? Is there something wrong with him or something?" I asked.

"No, but he's like, one of the most popular guys in the whole school," Bridget told me.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Is he single?"

She laughed and said, "Yes, he's single. He's actually only ever had one girlfriend, which was Mandy Flores, and they only dated about 4 months."

Smiling, I replied, "Good." I was determined to get to know this Drew guy better. And I would.

-AUTHOR'S NOTE- This is the first part of the story "The New Girl In Town." It's kinda short, I know. But I hope you guys like it! Anyway, comment, vote? Any of those things help me.(: I'll try to upload in a few days, until then, can I get some feedback? Is this good or bad?

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