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Not all cheshires are cats, and not all cheshires are slightly harmless. As a matter of fact this cheshire just so happens to be murderess.

She was always being followed, and not be a person or anything like that. She was followed by her madness.


Just as a little note I have entered this book into a contest held by nadoonrose1212  . And I hope you all vote for me.

~D I S C L A I M E R~

Ok, I don't actually know how to do this, so I'll try.
I do not own any of the Creepypastas except my oc. I also don't own Alice in Wonderland or the Cheshire Cat. I do own the idea for the concept and plot of this book. There probably will be some errors in spelling and grammar, I will try to fix them as soon as possible. If there are any problems with similarities with another book please don't make a big deal about it in the comments. You can just pm me about the problem and I will contact the author. This is fan-fiction which pretty much means that it's fake. So please if you don't like it leave. Also please don't steal or copy any or this. And if I find that someone has, don't worry I won't make it a big deal, I most likely will pm you addressing my problem. Thank you if you actually read this and happy reading!


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