Chaptahh 1
Destina Storrii
Now it all starts from me bored Chilin at my yard it woz about 8oclock and it was getting dark and I though hmm hood ratz will be out so I slipped on sum tight baby phat jeans ( Yanoo Tha Onez Tha Make Me Batty Luk Big) (my body wernt sum perfect bodi i woz happy wid it ) A lil tight black top , I was only 15 but with ma double d breast ma top rised over ma belly button showin off ma caramel complexion stomach...Yanno Cah I Woz..
½ Carribean (Jamaican & St.vicent)
¼ African (Ghanian)
¼ Spanish (Barcelona)
Peng Mix Alie?
I Juss Finished Doin Ma Laces On Addidas Crepz ....Pushed Ma Hair Back Leavin a Fringee.
Grabbed Ma Fonez (i had bare linez)
"jemar im gone yhh" i shouted up tha stairz He came runnin down in his boxers i fink he woz in tha middle of lashin a chick "goin where man" "juss round tha endz" "wid who" "mi galz init" "for how long" "wotz wid all di bludclot questionz man im goin out ill b back b4 12 yhh chuh" "u need to watch dat mouth of yours b4 i lick yu one tymm man" he sed it in a play way doe "yhh yhh your too much of a pum too daht i sed bare grinning"
(It woz jus me nd jemar in tha house everyone tinks oo u live wid yr bro dahts bless buh not wen ur a gal its fukerys My bro woz 21 dn daht oldest outtahh di 4 of uss.... den it woz mi sis laqueishar 19 and mi bro dejeon daht woz in pen (cumin owt soon) he woz 18, i woz bare tyt wid him buh wen he went to pen i became bare close to jemar instead. My mum woz on sum nxtt llong holidaii wid her new man in tha carribean dont blame her if she had youts lyk us, and mi sis laqueishar woz livin it up with her man in sum niceee flatt she woz 4munths pregnant..)
I Gave Him a wave of mi hand and went out...
To get to tha shop you had to walk thru tha ruffest park in my endz Highh Park...
But I wozz known round my endz and wozz untouched....Sooo I strutted thru there like I owned tha place...
On tha waii I decided to holla at my galz Compassion Alesha & Chonteil Chante Fusiion...
I'd known them since we were nursery yungahsz we were all Choong as cud b and we knew it and since we got jumpd in Hackneyy(for sum nxt reasons lool) it made us closer
There were mi Tru-Onezz
Yup dere all were dere outside tha coca-cola shop...
"Waggwarrnn" dey all Shouted...
"Wotz goin on" i shouted back
"Nttn Mayyn Juss Crankd Styll" Said Alesharr
"like yr crepz" sed Chante
"You Luk Dank Des" sed Chonteil
"Fanx Babeiilove" in mi yardie accent lool
They larfed
"Im bored man" sed compassion alredy complainin "truss me, wna go high park see wag1 dere dwn" " yeahh sed every1" "cum we go den" i sed