Chapter 1 - First Day Of School

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'It must be really fun.'

I stared down at astreet outside from my bedroom window. Looking at little children playing tag with each other before heading inside a school bus, going to school like any other kid. Smiling happily followed my giggles and grins. Ah, the innocents and purity of children.

"Mia ! You aren't coming down for breakfast? "

I snapped out from my own thoughts as I head the voice and realise the children were no longer there. I was in my uniform, a white buttoned up shirt with a red tie over it and a grey skirt or grey mini skirt. I'm not so sure. It's till my mid thigh. I turned around and there stood my mother in her favourite red and white checkered apron and a white blouse and a brown A-line skirt to go with it.

"Sorry. I almost forgot" I replied, "Well I have to get ready now. Breakfast is on the table honey " she said before heading to her room. I head to the kitchen and sat down . I took a bite of my wonderful PB&J Sandwiches before zoning out about why these Sandwiches are so damn delicious ! I mean like how ?

I don't know how I got from sandwiches to school, but somehow I did. New school, new teachers, hopefully new friends and overall a new environment. It's not any ordinary day you get transfer to the most prestigious school in the state. My mom is just glad she can spend her money on other things now that I have a scholarship. Speaking of school, I should check the time. "

And that's when my body reacted in ways I couldn't imagine. And I don't mean those way, you perverted people.

I was late.

I had 10 minutes to go to school which again, it's a prestigious school, at the other and richer part of town. I went there a few days ago, the houses there can practically be put on those House or Interior magazines. I wouldn't be surprise if I bumped into a drunken Paris Hilton or met Robert Downey Jr swimming in his swimming pool there.

I ran and I ran and I ran.

I was told I am a terrible runner. So this a big disadvantage here. It's my first day of my senior year and its off to a bad start. Scratch that, Mia be positive. You can do this !

I had finally arrive and I still had 2 minutes to spare. Oh thank the heavens for looking upon me

"Maybe you shouldn't run with a skirt next time. Nice baby blue panties though." A boy with black hair and blue eyes. Woah, talk about some serious genetic perfection here. I think he's about a head taller than me.

Wait, did he see my undies ?


I really don't know what to do. Do I apologise ? Wait Mia why are you apologising ?!?! Uhh reply with a comeback ! Tell him to swear not to tell anyone ?

"Thank you ?" I said with confused look. Wait to go Mia.

He chuckled. "You people really crack me up. See you around" He said before giving me a wink and a smirk. Jerk. He then headed inside the school with his hands shoved in his pockets. He was in a grey pants with a white buttoned shirt and a red tie.

I stood there confuse, before heading to the office. I wasted my 2 minutes on that guy, so I was just in time to grab my schedule. First period Homeroom, Room 136.

I made it right before the teacher came in. I'm already 10 minutes late ! The principle, Mrs Fisher really talks a lot ! Even with that the teacher comes now ?

Mr Rodriguez, my home room teacher welcomed us. I'm still standing in the middle of class because like I said, I came in 5 seconds earlier that Mr Rodriguez.

I felt like all eyes are on me. Though I felt worst when Mr Rodriguez told me to introduce myself. Now their eyes and their attention is on me.

"Hi um my name is Mia Jones. Nice to meet you guys" I said with a weak smile.

After introducing myself to the class, I took the last available seat, right in front. Next to me was a girl name Sara. She said she doesn't think her personality suits 'Sara'. I thought otherwise. She was a petite girl with specs. She felt so fragile. A soft and comforting presence. We talked a bit more in home room before joining the rest of the class, listening to Mr Rodriguez about his pet sheep and so on.

She felt warm.

I really like warm people.

Home room ended and I head to my locker. 519, not a bad number. After taking my books for Maths, I still had some time to spare, unlike the rest who had something to say to someone. After all, I haven't interact with more than 3 people. And no I do not count that quack of a jerk.

Haha, quack of a jerk. Someone should just send me to Grammar Jail already.

And so Ms Mia Jones continues her journey on her first day of school.

Until next time folks.


"Hey this cant be over yet !" A voice exclaimed

"Yeah Mia ! What about him ? You can't just leave us dangling without any more scenes of you and him ! " Another says.

Hey hey hey. Hold your horses people. What ? him ? Do you guys hear yourself ?

Never mind, I'll just pretend I didn't hear that.

Again, until next time folks !

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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